Gender-Queer Drag Queen Says Quantum Mechanics Explains Unlimited Genders

The political left, and especially the LGBTQWTF faction, continues to have as its major philosophy the idea that objective reality does not exist. This is not a new idea — it is hundreds of years old. Unfortunately, this pervasive lie continues to confuse society. “Glamrou,” as he calls himself, is a self-described “gay, non-binary, intersectional, Muslim” who claims that the science of quantum mechanics explains the existence of contradictions that make it possible for the human race to have unlimited genders, even though biology shows objective DNA proof that this is not so. We are to ignore facts in favor of feelings, according to the gender activists, because science.


Quantum physics is a beautiful, strange, and glorious sect of physics that looks at the subatomic particles that govern our world…quantum physics reveals that there is no fixed reality and it’s full of beautiful contradictions. We can now observe that the same sub-atomic particle can be in many places at the same time. So if we fire an electron through a wall with two holes for instance, we should be able to see that it goes through one place or the other. But on a quantum level when you observe what’s going on we see that the same particle is actually going through both holes at the same time…What’s so remarkable about quantum physics is the fact that what’s happening on a subatomic level contradicts what we are actually seeing happening in reality. It shows us that reality itself is a construct.

But does it? Not according to Hans Schantz, a physicist and author who has studied this exact phenomenon and supports an alternative theory. PJM sent Glamrou’s video to Schantz for his reaction.

“This is obscenely ridiculous,” said Schantz. “There is only one physical reality. You may experience different aspects of reality than others, but only one reality is true.” The experiment Glamrou was referring to was first conducted in 1801 by Thomas Young to find out if light behaves as a wave or a particle. In this experiment, light was shown through two slits and appeared to have an interference pattern suggesting that the light was acting as a wave. Later experiments demonstrated that light sometimes behaves as particles. Waves can travel through both holes at once while a particle can only go through one or the other. The results appeared to be contradictory.


“Atomic physics kind of backed off from the Newtonian assumption of an objective reality to describe how atomic physics works,” said Schantz. “Physicists were operating under the assumption that there was no such thing as cause and effect. There is a strong desire in philosophy to undercut reality. Much like Plato’s allegory of the cave, they want to say all we have is a distorted version of reality and we cannot know what is real. You can see it in physics, that it has fallen out of favor to question how we know what we know. Instead we get propagandizing.”

Schantz believes that there is a very simple answer to the slit experiment that is described by pilot wave theory. “In the pilot wave interpretation, there are two separate features. The fields that make up light are propagating through both slits but the energy is behaving like a particle and going through one slit or the other slit. People like me get dismissed because we won’t accept that everything is contradictory.” Schantz likened this theory to the religious philosophy of the Holy Trinity. Catholicism describes the trinity as “relationally distinct and yet absolutely one in nature.”  The theory that sprung up of “oneness” theology claimed that there is only one God who cannot be split into three parts. “That’s the heresy modern physics is committing,” he said. “In the physicist’s theology, there is one entity that cannot be split into two aspects: wave and particle. Thus, there is a contradiction when one tries to explain how an individual particle passing through one slit can generate an interference pattern.”


Schantz hopes to change that perception with his research. “If the photon ends up on the left-hand side of the screen, it went through the left slit. If it ends up on the right-hand side of the screen, it went through the right slit. It really is that simple.” Schantz presented his novel way of looking at electromagnetics in a paper, “Energy flow and reactive fields,” that recently appeared in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London [free preprint]. He applied these electromagnetic ideas to understand and explain how antennas work in his textbook, The Art and Science of Ultrawideband Antennas (Artech House 2015). He’s also co-founder and CTO of Q-Track Corporation, a company that applies near-field wireless to the challenging problem of indoor location.

While these concepts may be understandably confusing to lay people (it’s quantum mechanics after all!), the ideas have real-world consequences we can see playing out all around us.

“There is reality and it exists independent of our whims and desires,” said Schantz. “Science is supposed to study reality and find out how it works and what we can do with it. The Platonic version says we can never know what reality is, questions like what is really happening are not worth asking and the people pushing contradictions love to tell us to ‘shut up and calculate!'” continued Schantz.

Strangely enough, in his book Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky used these same theories from quantum mechanics to justify his thuggish tactics against his perceived enemies: capitalism and American philosophy. “Alinsky relied heavily on quantum mechanics to justify progressive thought. He acknowledged that his ideas help some and hurt some,” said Schantz. “To Alinsky and the left, there is no objective right or wrong, there is only power. They take power from the other and accumulate power among themselves and allies. Alinsky believed that the ideas of objective right and wrong were false because physics says there are contradictions and so to Alinsky, anything was permissible.”


Schantz chose an unconventional way of popularizing his ideas. “I was amazed that my electromagnetic perspective was not discovered and adopted over a hundred years ago. It was as if someone had deliberately suppressed the discovery, so I undertook to write a science fiction series based on that premise.” Schantz’s Hidden Truth series debuted in 2016, and he released the third volume in the series, The Brave and the Bold, in October.

Schantz’s next project is a popular treatment of his physics ideas. Edited by L. Jagi Lamplighter Wright, Schantz’s book Fields: The Once and Future Theory of Everything will appear in 2019.




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