Left-Wing Blogger Calls for Drowning of Conservative Students

(Image via Twitter/@BronzezHammer)

You’ve probably never heard of Jesse Farrar, which is understandable considering he dwells in the low places on the Internet that most people don’t visit. Farrar has been a contributor for publications like Vice and Deadspin and is self-described on his blog as a “Vice Sports Fantasy Guy, Ball Reporter and Deadspin’s Beer Idiot.” His blog appears to be dedicated to drinking beer and informing his audience about all the diseases he catches while on the road. He rose to prominence this week when he responded to a tweet about conservative students being given poor grades as a result of their politics with a wish for their death instead.


Farrar doubled down after being given an out to say he was joking.

When contacted, his former editor at Deadspin, Barry Petchesky, chimed in with a seriously indefensible defense of Farrar.

It is important to know that anytime anyone accuses someone of being a “white supremacist” there is a 99.985 percent chance that it is a false charge. By “white supremacist” they just meant middle-of-the-road conservative Republican. (The other .015 percent includes Richard Spencer and his small band of retards who are not Republicans but are actually socialists.) Charlie Kirk is a normal Republican. His organization, Turning Point USA, is a diverse group of Americans concerned with the far-left takeover of college campuses. The group seeks to educate and inform millennials of the benefits of free markets and limited government. (Basically doing the job their high school economics teachers should have done but didn’t because…Marxism #Resist!)

We’ve reached a point in our political discourse where we’ve sailed way past absurd and landed somewhere around the intersection of schizophrenia and furious rabies. This became evident when Farrar’s ex-editor Petchesky actually put in writing that the world would be a better place if conservative students white supremacist fascist thugs were drowned by their Marxist hero professors. Petchesky fears no backlash for agreeing with Farrar that it’s fine to joke about killing people who disagree with you because there never is backlash for people like him. Other than this article and a handful of conservative outlets, absolutely no one will care that angry leftists think violence, murder and pogroms are the final solution for all their problems. No one will draw the obvious comparisons between the dehumanizing of Republicans to the dehumanizing of Jews that led to the Holocaust by other socialists several years ago. We are supposed to get over it, lighten up, and most importantly, change all our dearly held beliefs that make these people want to drown us to death before they actually try it. We’re just so repulsive, who could blame them?


We are to believe that Farrar is not a harasser (even though he has called for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of conservative college students) nor is Petchesky harassing anyone when he agrees that the world would be better off without our sons and daughters. The true harassers are folks like conservative science fiction author Jon Del Arroz (who has been kicked out of Worldcon and banned from attending) because he is a nasty conservative voice in a genre that requires group-think. If you Google “Jon Del Arroz harasser” you will find all manner of purple-haired equality pushers screeching about being harassed by him and yet no tweets, no screen grabs or other proof of his harassment. There are certainly no tweets from Del Arroz about drowning people he disagrees with politically.

You will find similar results if you Google Ethan Van Sciver, a conservative artist for Marvel comics. The SJW mob is trying to have him fired right this very minute for unknown offenses (which they won’t reveal no matter how nicely I ask). They’ve made his name synonymous with “harasser” and countless blogs claim to have evidence of Van Sciver’s Internet “bullying” behavior. Conveniently, they never link to any actual evidence. The “harassment” is supposed to be so bad (and we’re just supposed to believe the accusers that it is) that they want Van Sciver fired from Marvel and Del Arroz banned from publishing altogether. The SJW swarm mob has de-employed many people this way, issuing real-world consequences for online affronts. But in the case of one of their own like Farrar—everyone should just back off and leave him alone!


In an article defending Farrar and Pechesky entitled “The Jesse Farrar Saga: Conservatives Are Going Full Twitter Snitch in a Bad-Faith Effort to Hurt People’s Livelihoods” the double standard is laughable.

“…conservatives at large either failed to understand the joke, or chose to misinterpret it as sincere in a bad-faith effort to hurt Farrar. Conservative outlets like IJR ran with the story, and even contacted Farrar’s employers in a thinly disguised attempt to bring real-world consequences down on his head.”

The SJW outrage mobs have been using “Twitter snitching” to hurt people’s livelihoods for years, with glee! There are whole books dedicated to the subject. Disabled veteran Will Caligan just lost his job at Short Fuse media after the SJW mob threatened to boycott his business partner over comments he made on Facebook. That just happened. And the author of this article, Shayne Ryan, wants you to believe that it is conservatives targeting the left with unjust mobs. I guess he figures we forgot about Memories Pizza and the multiple Christian bakeries the mobs shut down. Rest assured that whatever the left is accusing you of, they are doing it twice as fast and with more efficiency because SJWs always project.





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