Biden Taps Hunter Biden Colleague to Lead Office of Special Counsel

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File

Move along folks, there’s nothing shady to see here…. only that Joe Biden has nominated Hampton Dellinger, a former law partner of his son Hunter Biden, to lead the Office of Special Counsel. Oh, and it turns out that Dillinger represented Ukrainian energy firm Burisma while Hunter was serving on the company’s board.


“Biden on Wednesday tapped Hampton Dellinger to lead the office, which investigates corruption in the executive branch and provides protections to federal whistleblowers. Dellinger currently serves as head of the Justice Department’s office of legal policy,” the Washington Free Beacon reports. “If confirmed, Dellinger could create a conflict of interest given his links to Hunter Biden. Dellinger and the younger Biden worked together at the white shoe law firm Boies Schiller Flexner, the Washington Free Beacon reported. In 2014, Hunter Biden tapped Boies Schiller Flexner to represent Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian energy firm where he served as a board member.”

Hunter Biden and Boies Schiller Flexner’s crisis management and government response team developed a public relations and lobbying strategy to help Burisma, according to emails from Biden’s laptop. Dellinger served on Boies Schiller Flexner’s Crisis Management and Government Response team, though it is unclear if he did any work for Burisma.

But emails show Dellinger and Hunter Biden did cross paths on numerous occasions at Boies Schiller. The duo arranged a lunch date in February 2014. They also attended a dinner party for Boies Schiller partners in March 2014.

If confirmed, Dellinger will face congressional pressure to investigate whether the Biden administration retaliated against two IRS whistleblowers who have cried foul on the federal investigation into Hunter Biden.


Think about this for a second. Joe Biden is now the subject of an impeachment inquiry for influence peddling with his son, and he brazenly nominates a Hunter Biden colleague, with whom Hunter had private lunches and dinners, to run the Office of Special Counsel.

The Office of Special Counsel is not only investigating Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents, but it’s also investigating Hunter Biden.

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Are we really expected to believe this is a mere coincidence? I can’t imagine anyone who would legitimately think so, which tells you just how much Joe Biden is concerned about the investigations into himself and his son. It’s quite clear that Biden knows he get away with such brazen corruption because the media will dutifully provide all the cover he needs.


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