There’s Hope for Young People… Er, Young Men Anyway

(AP Photo/The Orange County Register, Mark Felix, File)

Honestly, there’s been very little reason to feel confident about our nation’s future in recent years. Younger generations have trended more liberal and entitled, and they’ve also been brainwashed by the gender mafia to the extent that some of them believe they need preferred pronouns — even double mastectomies and genital mutilation.


But there may actually be hope yet for the younger generations. Despite the narrative that our youth are predominantly liberal, it turns out young men are trending conservative.

“In annual surveys over the last three years, roughly one-quarter of high school seniors self-identified as conservative or ‘very conservative’ on the Monitoring the Future survey, a scholarly endeavor that dates to the 1970s. Only 13 percent of boys identified as liberal or very liberal in those years,” reports The Hill. “The figures represent a striking shift in the political views of boys. As recently as the late 2000s, liberal boys occasionally outnumbered conservatives. Back in the Carter era, both boys and girls leaned liberal.”

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There’s some not-so-great great news in the report as well. The number of 12th-grade girls identifying as liberal has risen from 19% in 2012 to 30% in 2022, and only 12% of girls identified as conservative in the same survey conducted last year.

This trend is not confined to high school seniors, either. Women aged 18 to 29 are becoming increasingly liberal.

The political leanings of young men have changed little over the past two decades, according to an analysis by the Survey Center on American Life. Last year, 43 percent of young men identified as moderate, 31 percent as conservative and 24 percent as liberal. Twenty years earlier, the numbers were more or less the same.

But the leftward drift of young women alone has sufficed to move the needle on young adults as a whole. Generation Z favors liberalism over conservatism by a 48-to-33 margin, according to NBC News polling from 2022. Ten years earlier, young adults split evenly between the two political camps.


The problem is that comparatively speaking, the rightward shift of young males is subtle in comparison to the leftward lurch of young females. The article suggests that Trump’s presidency and the perception of his “unrepentant misogyny” are contributing factors, even though Joe Biden has faced multiple allegations of inappropriate behavior with women, including sexual assault. A more likely explanation is that the conservative shift in the Supreme Court is a factor, and the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade galvanized young women who don’t want to be held responsible for their actions. But I digress.

Another notable tidbit is that high school seniors are still more likely to claim no political identity at all, regardless of whether they are male or female. Given the liberal indoctrination in public schools, maybe that’s the silver lining.


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