
Children's Book Series on 'Inspiring Women' Includes 'Rachel' Levine

Caroline Brehman/Pool via AP

A new chapter book series targeting children ages six to nine that is supposed to be about “inspiring women” who “spoke up and rose up against the odds” is set to include a man.

The book, titled She Persisted: Rachel Levine, written by Lisa Bunker, is due for release later this year.

“As the first openly transgender government official to hold an office that requires Senate confirmation, the first openly transgender four-star officer in uniform service, and the first female [sic] four-star admiral in the commissioned corps, Rachel Levine faced many obstacles throughout her [sic] life,” the book description reads. “But she [sic] persisted through them all and showed kids of all genders that they can succeed in their dreams too.”

The book, like the others in the series, was inspired by the Chelsea Clinton-authored She Persisted books, and is pitched as the “perfect choice for kids who love learning and teachers who want to bring inspiring women into their curriculum” and provides a “list of ways that readers can follow in Rachel Levine’s footsteps and make a difference!”

So yeah, this book is grooming in every sense of the word. Make no mistake about it. Comparing Levine to real women who legitimately had to break barriers for their achievements is insulting. In fact, Levine’s career has no doubt been boosted by his self-identifying as a woman.

It’s true. There is nothing remarkable or inspiring about Mr. Levine’s career advancement. He is the epitome of an affirmative action pick by Joe Biden. Prior to being nominated as the assistant secretary of health, he served as the secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, and in 2020, he faced calls for his resignation over “the horrific results of the [health] department’s COVID-19 policy” on nursing homes and long-term care facilities. He also removed his mother from such a facility while Pennsylvania residents were forbidden to do so. A straight man who doesn’t identify as a woman would never have been picked to serve in the Biden administration under similar circumstances.

Related: How Will the Trans Cult React to This Proposed Bill in Florida?

Not only was Levine put in his position solely for being transgender, but the Biden administration, obsessed with affirmative action picks and milestones, promoted Levine to be a four-star admiral of the U.S. Public Health Services (USPHS) Commissioned Corps and even dubbed him the “first female four-star admiral” even though he is a male. So not only is Levine a man who has been promoted for identifying as a woman, but he has also stolen opportunities from real women.

And this book, which is aimed at young children, celebrates this. Last year, Levine also made USA Today’s list of “Women of the Year,” once again robbing a real woman of earning the distinction.

Levine deserves no accolades; he is tainted by scandal from his time as Pennsylvania’s Health Secretary and has achieved notoriety for his awkward cultural appropriation of womanhood. Meanwhile, he uses his position to advance radical leftist gender theory and pushes for children to be drugged up and mutilated on the taxpayers’ dime.


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