Keep a Watchful Eye on This Recount

AP Photo/Phelan M. Ebenhack

On Wednesday, the Democrat Secretary of State of Colorado,  Jena Griswold, ordered a full recount in the state’s third congressional district, which saw incumbent Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert narrowly defeat her Democratic challenger, Adam Frisch.


“I am ordering a mandatory recount of the CD-3 race, as required by Colorado law,” Griswold tweeted. “All counties within CD-3 have been notified to begin preparations to proceed with the recount which must be completed by Tuesday, December 13, 2022, as required by statute.”

A recount was widely expected, but Frisch conceded to Boebert in mid-November, indicating he would not seek a recount. “The likelihood of this recount changing more than a handful of votes is very small,” he admitted. “It’d be disingenuous and unethical for us, or any other group, to continue to raise false hope and encourage fundraising for recount. Colorado elections are safe, accurate and secure.”

Boebert has a lead of fewer than 600 votes. Boebert previously expressed confidence that the recount won’t alter the outcome.


“Now, over the next couple of weeks, this race will have an automatic recount, which will be completed in early December. My campaign team and our lawyers will definitely make sure everything is conducted properly,” she said. “Past recounts in Colorado have resulted in far fewer votes being adjusted than anything that could affect the current outcome we’re seeing tonight in this race.”

Of course, the past is the past, and while I hate to be suspicious, I think we should keep a close watch on this recount and see if we suddenly start hearing about mystery ballots being discovered. Let’s hope we don’t see those kinds of shenanigans.


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