Dems Turning to Dark Money to Save Them in Midterms

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Pretty much everyone anticipates Democrats getting shellacked in November— the term “biblical disaster” was used to describe their pending losses.

In fact, Democrats seem to have come to terms with the fact that they will ultimately lose, and are now trying to minimize their losses rather than keep their majority.


One key part of that strategy, it seems, is using millions of dollars of “dark money.”

“Wut? I thought Democrats hated the influence of dark money in politics?”

Silly rabbit, Democrats only hate it when it benefits Republicans. According to a report from Fox News, “Dark money groups associated with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have injected nearly $20 million in hidden donor cash into the midterm elections.”

“Majority Forward, a nonprofit that does not identify its donors on tax forms, has poured nearly $15 million into the midterm elections up to the end of March, Federal Election Commission records show,” Fox News reports. “The Senate Majority PAC took in all of Majority Forward’s cash for the midterms, making the nonprofit its largest donor so far this cycle.”

Despite Democrats publicly railing against dark money, they have benefited from this anonymous cash far more than Republicans in recent years.

According to a report from the New York Times, 15 of the most active Democrat dark money groups spent $1.5 billion in 2020, compared to $900 million by the 15 most active Republican groups.



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