Juan Williams Is Leaving Fox News' 'The Five' and I'm Giddy

Richard Drew

On Wednesday, liberal pundit Juan Williams, a co-host on Fox News’ The Five, announced his departure from the show.

“It’s time for One More Thing, and I have an announcement. This is my last day hosting The Five,” he said during the show’s final segment. “COVID taught me a lot of lessons. As the show goes back to the New York studio I’ll be staying in D.C. I’ll be working for Fox out of Washington, my work as a Fox News political analyst will continue,” he said. “You know, it’s been going on seven years since I’ve been a daily host of this show. The show’s popularity has grown every single year. So thank you, thank you so much, to you, the viewers, thank you!”


I honestly won’t miss him. That’s not because I don’t want a liberal voice on the show. I find the liberal perspective is important to include… but man, listening to Juan Williams on the show lately… he’s intolerable. In fact, just last month, he said it was a lie that “cities burned last summer” during the BLM riots in the wake of the death of George Floyd.

“I give James Carville big credit for taking on people in his own party and telling them they’ve got a problem, they need to respond to Republicans more aggressively and in language that people understand,” Williams said. “I wish there were people on the right who are willing to say, we’ve got a problem with our extreme right, the people who are saying all those awful things before the January 6th riot at the Capitol, the people want to put out lies like the cities burned last summer, I think it’s important that people who are honest in American politics be able to hold honest discussions without allowing the extremists to set the agenda.”

Later, Brian Kilmeade address Juan’s remark. “And by the way, Juan, the cities did burn if you count Chicago, Minneapolis, New York, Seattle, and Portland. But besides that, I think it was a pretty good summer—”


“That’s not true,” Williams said interrupting and shaking his head.

How is it possible that someone who covers news, who most certainly saw footage of the riots and looting and burning of buildings last summer, say with a straight face that it never happened?

Good riddance, Juan.


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