Not Even Barack Obama Can Draw a Crowd Like Donald Trump

(AP Photo/Morry Gash)

Conventional wisdom suggests Joe Biden has a massive lead in this election, yet two weeks out, he’s called in his secret weapon, Barack Obama. Biden surrogates point out that Obama is their party’s most effective campaigner and fundraiser. I’m not gonna argue with them on that. After all, he did a heck of a job closing the deal for Hillary Clinton in 2016.


But seriously, it was only a few weeks ago that Joe Biden declared, “I am the Democratic Party right now,” during the first debate with President Trump, and now he’s begging his former boss to help close the deal for him.

And where did Barack Obama go? Did Joe Biden send him to Georgia, where some polls claim Biden is performing well and even better than Trump? Or what about Texas? Democrat operatives keep talking about Texas being competitive this year. Turnout in blue cities could be bolstered by Barack Obama coming to town to rally the party faithful.

Nope, Joe Biden sent Barack Obama to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Sure, Pennsylvania may be a battleground state, but most polls show Joe Biden with a healthy lead there. Also, Joe Biden has coopted Pennsylvania as his home state, and he can barely go five minutes without referencing the short period of his childhood when he lived in Scranton. So why is it that with just two weeks left in the election Joe Biden is sending Barack Obama to Pennsylvania, of all states? To me, that sounds like the Biden campaign isn’t confident about the state.


And if the Obama drive-in rally is any indication, they should be terrified.

Just look at the rally’s attendance:


A local reporter said the Biden campaign informed her that there were over 300 cars there. If you generously assume there were actually 400 cars and each car was packed with five people, that means, optimistically, you can estimate that there were 2,000 people who attended a Barack Obama rally for Biden.

In Philly.

Compare that to how many people showed up for the Trump rally in Erie, Pa., the day before:

According to GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, over 19,000 people signed up for the Trump rally in Erie. There does not appear to be any official count for how many showed up, but the number of people in the above photo is several times greater than 2,000.


If Barack Obama was Joe Biden’s secret weapon to secure victory in Pennsylvania, then Joe Biden should consider shifting resources to other states.

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Matt Margolis is the author of the new book Airborne: How The Liberal Media Weaponized The Coronavirus Against Donald Trumpand the bestselling book The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama. You can follow Matt on Twitter @MattMargolis

I Went To a Trump Rally in Pennsylvania and Here’s What I Saw


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