Weekend Parting Shot: When Boneheads Collide

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

One more SOTU story?  Okay, just one more, and then I’m done. I promise.

What do you do when your two least-favorite Republicans clash? Well, if you’re a columnist, you write about it. Because nothing screams legislative credibility like two human fish sticks in overpriced suits getting into a slap fight just before the start of the State of the Union address. Such was the case when George Been-There-Done-That-Not-Really Santos ran afoul of Mitt “The Chameleon” Romney (you know, he’s not just the president of the Hair Club for Men, he’s also a member) Tuesday night.


You can view the exchange below:


Since the evening itself had all the subtlety and nuance of a brawl in a biker bar or a NOW convention at a strip club, people wanted to know what was said. The journos sniffed Mittens out after the dust settled and the last drunk was thrown out of the chambers so the maintenance crew could sweep up the broken glass and haul off the busted furniture.


“Sick puppy!” Buuurrrrn!

While Mitt appeared to be unsure about what he heard, American Wire claims to have the lowdown on the convo. And it was worse than it looked. Romney told Santos that he didn’t belong there and he should be embarrassed. Romney then called Santos an a##. And in true playground-spat style, Santos replied: “You’re a bigger one.” What? “I know you are but what am I?” wasn’t congressional enough? What about the old “I’m rubber, you’re glue” riposte?

Romney’s back-and-forth with Santos and subsequent comments earned him high praise from the folks at MSNBC. Of course it did. He’ll be signing on there as a commentator after he leaves office. But wait, there’s more! Santos had a few thoughts of his own.



I guess technically Romney is a far sight better than Santos by any standard. But Pierre Delecto ought to be careful whom he calls a liar. After all, he told all of the Utah GOP delegates at the 2018 convention that he was a Republican. And as for Santos knowing about Mormons? Maybe he is Mormon. You’d have to ask him. He’s been everything else. Or maybe he’s just Mormon-ish.

Wine Recommendation: Because nothing goes with bad politics like good (or decent) wine.

This time around, allow me to introduce you to Anko Malbec. The thing that makes Anko stand out is that is an Argentinian high-altitude Malbec. And by high altitude, we’re talking about grapes that were grown in the Salta region, at around 10,000 feet above sea level. The combination of the topography, soil, and weather gives this wine an excellent flavor.

Credit: Lincoln Brown

This wine is a dark ruby red with a fruity bouquet. In addition to the dark/red fruit tastes, you get just a hint of tobacco flavor and chocolate. Some people say they can taste a little cedar. I found it very drinkable and the tannins were balanced in such a way that while it had a little kick, it wasn’t overwhelming. It would be perfect for steaks on the grill. Anko is a smaller vineyard, so you either have to keep an eye out for it or order it online or through a store.


That’s it for me. Remember, the next State of the Union address is less than a year away. Start stocking your liquor cabinet now to avoid the rush, and I’ll see you on Monday.



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