NYC Officials Claim Activists Are Behind the Migrant Protest

(AP Photo/Santiago Lyon)

Earlier in the month, I mentioned how New York City has been housing some of its illegal immigrants in the Row NYC hotel. While not the plushest digs in Gotham, the move was costing the city between $400 to $500 daily per room, and the residents were tossing out the food that had been given to them.


And then there were the parties, especially during the World Cup and New Year’s Eve, adding a “spring break” vibe to the situation, not to mention the drug use, violence, and incidents of sexual assault. Some families were honestly trying to restart their lives, but for many, the prevailing attitude seemed to involve ingratitude and entitlement. Other higher-end hotels in the Big Apple were also tapped for migrant housing.

And then moving day came. The city announced that many of the immigrants at the Watson Hotel, in this case, single adult men, would be relocated to other shelters since room in the hotel was needed for incoming families with children. At the Watson, buses arrived to take people to the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal. But under the banner of “Hell, no we won’t go,” or probably something similar, the migrants refused to budge.

Fox News reports that since Sunday, some illegals have been refusing to move and at one point set up a tent city outside of the Watson to protest their plight. When you think about it, a tent city sort of negates the message that they need to stay at the Watson. But in true American style, the illegal immigrants decided not to let logic get in the way of a good protest. Well, at least they’re assimilating that value. They should be ready to protest abortion laws, the Second Amendment, and everything else in no time flat. The cops cleared out the tent city, but many migrants remain. Others went to the shelter but returned, stating that there was no heat or water.


But a twist has emerged in the saga. The New York Post said Tuesday that it was not an organic, home-grown protest on the part of the immigrants, but one that was fomented by advocates and activists. A source for the city told the Post, “It looks like the disruption outside the Watson Hotel yesterday was organized by local organizations and individuals who have repeatedly sought to stop our efforts to support the 43,000+ asylum seekers here in New York City.” The Immigrant Coalition tweeted:

South Bronx Mutual Aid added:


On Sunday, a group of 50 people, including non-illegal immigrants, rushed the Watson and tried to enter areas off-limits to the public.

Related: You’re Welcome: Illegals in NYC Tossing Free Food

If the shelters are cold and there is an issue with the water, the city can fix those problems. While I am not a fan of Eric Adams, the city was under no obligation to address this issue and has been more than generous. An aide volunteer told the Post, “Everybody who comes to New York, for whatever reason, deserves to live in places that are safe and have dignity. It’s our job as New Yorkers to provide that for other people. I brought coffee, hand warmers and bananas. But I’ve heard what people really need are blankets and tents. The city congruent sheltering systems anywhere in the city are dehumanizing at best and dangerous.”

That sounds like a noble, if self-aggrandizing, sentiment. But what about the people who already live there? Like cities across the country, New York has a homeless crisis, and the number of vets who are on the streets nationwide is horrific. And many Americans with homes or apartments do not live nearly as well as these men, who refuse to vacate the premises to make room for families with children.


That is what men are supposed to do — make sacrifices for others. No one ever told them that America is not the Land of the Free TV and Home of the King-Size Bed. And further, no one is entitled to anything simply for sneaking or running across an international border. But activist groups, of course, can never let a good crisis go to waste, even if they have to manufacture one. And illegal immigrants can be prime recruits for movements to disrupt America. This could be one of the reasons why the Left is so keen to have them here.


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