The Commies and Pedos Are Taking Over Our Schools. Now What?

(AP Photo/Ivan Sekretarev, Russian State Documentary Film and Photo Archive via AP)

Hey, Commies, Leave Those Kids Alone

In 1963, the 45 goals of communism were entered into the Congressional record. Goal #17 was/is: “Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.”


How’s that working out so far? Pretty good, if you’re a bolshie-“American.”

Critical Race Theory Gone Crazy

What better way to enrage and humiliate a bunch of black students, and perhaps make them hate white people, than to put them in handcuffs and have them pick cotton in the classroom. 

An unidentified white teacher at the Rochester, N.Y., School of the Arts had his mostly black class of seventh graders wear handcuffs and pick seeds out of cotton in class. Here’s the plumb on the thumb: white kids were allowed to opt out of the “lesson” but black kids were not.

“I immediately was like, ‘Oh, I’m not doing that,’” student Ja’Nasia Brown said. “And then he [the teacher] was like, ‘Do it. It’s for a good grade.’”

Student Jahmiere O’Neal told news media outlets, “It made me feel bad to be a black person.”

Angry parents want the teacher fired and his teaching license suspended. The school has yet to decide the teacher’s future.

Now, check out this Project Veritas video, in which an assistant principal admits he won’t hire conservative teachers and he pushes “gender identity” to kindergarteners:


Antifa in the Schools

Project Veritas strikes again! The undercover journalists released a video of a New York City middle school teacher admitting she not only has her class change the words to the Pledge of Allegiance, but she also teaches students how to organize violent protests and where to aim the bricks they throw.

“This is what I told my students,” Franco admitted on camera to an undercover Project Veritas reporter. “I was like, ‘Guys, there’s strategic ways to do this [protest].’ You want to, I brought up a crazy organization that have done this. Like, they chose which places to throw bricks in. They chose, and they didn’t do it in their own neighborhood. They didn’t do it in black and brown communities. Doing it in our own community does not make sense.”

In short, she is urging kids to trash white neighborhoods. She is not a one-off.

FACT-O-RAMA! Two teachers from swanky, private New York City schools were fired last year, one for celebrating the deaths of New York policemen and the other for suggesting more people attack cops.

Project Veritas also snagged Gabriel Gipe, a pro-Antifa teacher who offered students extra credit if they attended Antifa riots. Gipe’s classroom was covered in posters of lunatic tyrants like Stalin and Mao.


Related: Poor Lamb! Antifa Teacher on the Run, Claims He Fears For His Safety and Job After Project Veritas Blows His Cover

Angry parents swarmed a local school board meeting, demanding Gipe be fired. He was placed on paid leave for a full year until his Marxist comrades in the school system decided that rather than fire Gipe, he would be paid three years’ salary if he resigned. Pinkos look out for one another.

FACT-O-RAMA! Commie goal #26: Present homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as “normal, natural, and healthy.”

Pornography in Your Kid’s School

Libs of TikTok has been on the warpath regarding leftists inundating our kids with gay porn in school libraries. It’s time for you to get involved.


PEDO-RAMA! Loudoun County, Va., school officials knew a trans student anally raped a 14-year-old girl in a school restroom. Rather than have him arrested, they quietly sent him to another school, where he sexually assaulted another girl. Fed-up students walked out of class in protest.


An Oklahoma teacher recently resigned when she was told to leave her politics out of the classroom but was caught red-handed giving students a QR code that would let them access banned books, some of which are sexually graphic. She is also looking at possible criminal charges. She is suspected of violating House Bill (HB) 1775 which prevents a teacher from regurgitating their personal political views to students.

The recalcitrant commie came out swinging:

I would do what I did again and again and again until I did not need to do it anymore. HB 1775 is a shameful attempt to require bigotry from Oklahoma’s public schools. The legislators who authored and/or voted to affirm this legislation would be better off buying mics and starting a podcast. They are clearly incompetent when it comes to representing all of their constituents.

Pedophilia Is Normal?

A Texas teacher was fired for scolding her students and saying, “Don’t judge people just because they wanna have sex with a five-year-old.”

This video is repulsive to hear:


What would you do if an adult, especially a teacher whom your child respects and looks up to, told your kid that sex between children and adults is A-OK? This teacher was fired.

Now is not the time to go to a school board meeting. It’s too late for that. Now is the time to run for a seat on the school board or serve in your local Parent Teacher Association (PTA).

The commies and pedos aren’t at the gate; they’re in your kids’ school.


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