Snapchat's New 'Gender Swap' Filter Is Transphobic or Something

It’s a tough time to be a transphobic bigot who still believes in outdated concepts like “biology” and “science.” All your talk about “DNA” and “chromosomes” and “gender dysphoria” is now hate speech, and you will be shunned by polite society and banned from social media. There’s nothing worse than a blinkered ignoramus who isn’t convinced that gender is a societal construct, especially if the skeptic is male.


A person is whichever gender xe wants to be. Or neither. Or both. Or neither and both. It’s a personal decision, and you are obligated to adjust your perception of reality accordingly. If Robert changes his mind and decides she’s now Roberta and she wants to shatter the women’s powerlifting record, you will stop using the wrong pronouns immediately or you will be #cancelled.

That’s why my heart breaks for brave young women like Bailey Coffman. They can’t even use Snapchat without being exposed to the most virulent hatred imaginable. Jeff McMillan, Associated Press:

Snapchat’s new photo filter that allows users to change into a man or woman with the tap of a finger isn’t necessarily fun and games for transgender people.

Some say it reduces their very real and often painful experiences to folly.

Thirty-one-year-old Bailey Coffman is a transgender woman from New York. She says that “my gender is not a costume.”

I know, right? You can’t just make a few cosmetic changes and suddenly become a different gender. Whoever heard of anything so ridiculous?


I feel Bailey’s pain. As an elderly person, I’m offended by Snapchat’s filter that makes young people look old. My unsightly decrepitude is not a costume.

You might remember Ms. Coffman as the woman who tried to stop her father’s nomination to the U.S. Marshal Service because the hateful bigot didn’t want his son to become his daughter. First Bailey finds out her dad is a transphobic science-hugger, and now Snapchat is trying to erase her lived experience. No previous generation in human history has ever endured such suffering.


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