Elizabeth Warren Finally Packs Up Her Wigwam

(AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)

Hey, remember when Elizabeth Warren made a big deal out of revealing the results of a DNA test that supposedly proved her Native American heritage? It was all the way back in October, so you may have forgotten. Here’s the triumphant-yet-treacly video she put out about it:


And to prove what an ordeal it’s been for her and her family, she gave us this anecdote:

“My daddy’s parents, the Herrings, were bitterly opposed to their marrying because my mother’s family, the Reeds, was part Native American. This sort of discrimination was common at the time.”

What an inspiring tale. It’s amazing that Elizabeth Warren overcame such bigotry and prejudice to get where she is today.

And remember how our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters in the press reacted to the announcement?

They were really excited about it. I don’t know the Cherokee word for “noses,” but they were rubbing ours in it.

Then it turned out that the DNA test proves Warren has a fraction of a percentage of ancestry from a “Canadian or Mexican indigenous population.” She’s approximately 1/1,024th Native American, if at all. She’s about as Indian as Iron Eyes Cody.


Then she shut up about it. But she needs to get past this if she wants to run for president, right? Right. So now…

Astead W. Herndon, NYT:

Senator Elizabeth Warren, the Massachusetts Democrat who is running for her party’s presidential nomination, has apologized to the Cherokee Nation for her decision to take a DNA test to prove her Native American ancestry…

On Thursday, Ms. Warren called Bill John Baker, principal chief of the Cherokee Nation, to apologize for the DNA test, said Julie Hubbard, a spokeswoman for the tribe…

“I understand that she apologized for causing confusion on tribal sovereignty and tribal citizenship and the harm that has resulted,” Ms. Hubbard said. “The chief and secretary of state appreciate that she has reaffirmed that she is not a Cherokee Nation citizen or a citizen of any tribal nation.”

Oh. She’s not? Huh.

Now, speaking as a cuck RINO NeverTrumper, I know I’m not supposed to admit when Trump gets something right. But he sure did get this one right. He saw Warren’s biggest weakness and exploited it. He used what Saul Alinsky called “man’s most potent weapon”: ridicule. Warren could have ignored all his taunting and teasing and trolling. Instead, she ended up doing more damage to her own campaign than Trump or anybody else ever could.

Nevertheless, she persisted. Whoops!

Now that Chief White Lady has embarrassed herself just about as thoroughly as any presidential candidate can, it’s time for her enablers in the press to clean up her mess. I can’t wait for them to gaslight us. I can’t wait to hear about the “Republicans Pouncing” on her enormous lie. They’ll call out Trump’s lies all day long, as they should, but it all changes when there’s a chance that their team will take back power.


Of course, that’s assuming Warren breaks out of the pack of 137 Democrats running for president and gets the nomination. How is she going to set herself apart now? She’s a white woman who lied about having exotic heritage to advance her career, and now she can’t lie about that anymore. I guess now she’ll just have to promise even more free stuff than all the other Democrats are promising. Promises she’ll never be able to keep.

Elizabeth Warren is proof that no matter your heritage, anyone can be an Indian giver.


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