Gordon Chang's CPAC Speech Paints the Targets in America's War With China

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

If one attends the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) enough, one learns to navigate and network. Speakers mingle with attendees and media types in an ebb and flow of human tides, in bars and hospitality suites and the lobby bar, with the prevailing currents producing opportunities to get to know thought leaders and policymakers on a personal basis. Such has been the case with Gordon Chang, whom I’ve gotten to know pretty well over the past few years.


Chang is a fierce defender of American values, and as such, holds no love for the communists who took over his ancestral home in China and made them the enemy of our liberty and our society. He is a principled stalwart dedicated to the defeat of communism, and his speech today laid out the clear and present danger to America presented by the Chinese Communist Party.

“Patriots, the flame of freedom burns bright in this room,” he started, pulling no punches. “But the Chinese regime wants to snuff it out. They want to take over the world and make us a colony. First, COVID-19. This disease leaked from a lab, in all probability, but one thing we know 100% is the Chinese regime deliberately spread it beyond its borders to America and to the world. And that means every coronavirus death in the United States is a murder.”

Not the only murderous action they’ve taken, Chang noted:

We know that in Chinese military labs they are working on something called “specific ethnic genetic attacks” — in other words, attacks caused by pathogens that will leave the Chinese immune but will kill everybody else. That’s a civilization killer. But we know something else, that China is trying to kill us with more than just disease. There’s fentanyl. China’s TikTok glorifies drug use in the United States. They are now dyeing fentanyl pills with colors to make it look like candy. In other words, they are marketing death to our children.


Chilling stuff. The Chinese asymmetric warfare has taken on a scope few Americans realize, but Chang continues to do everything he can to rally Americans to unite against this existential threat.

He continued to tick off the murderous actions undertaken by the Chinese Communist Party, in case everyone’s blood hadn’t already boiled.

And, we know that they are adding fentanyl to prescription drugs so that Americans have been dying when they think they’re taking their medications. Every fentanyl death in the United States is a murder because China’s regime has a total surveillance state. They know exactly what these fentanyl gangs are doing. We also know the fentanyl gangs run their money, their proceeds through the Chinese state banking system.

Chang offered several very deliberate solutions he believes America must undertake immediately to defeat the CCP:

So what do we do? First of all, we sever trade and investment with China. We must cut off the blood supply to those who mean us harm. We must — WE MUST eject China’s agents. Hey Americans, this is OUR COUNTRY! We don’t have to put up with this! AND we must get the Chinese off our farm and ranch land. We know that the Chinese, with our farm land, they are involved in the cultivation of illegal drugs. They are basing human trafficking operations on them — that’s in Oklahoma. And, of course, they are using them for espionage. This is our land! Why would we ever allow an enemy to occupy our land in our country? And there is one more thing that we must do, and this is by far the most important. We must remember that all Americans have a common enemy that means to destroy our society. That means we must unite as a country, and we must unite as a people.


For his conclusion, Chang told his personal story of his family escaping oppressive life under communism and coming to America to live in liberty. A familiar and welcome refrain — after all, how many people have you heard talk about escaping, fleeing, defecting from communist oppression? It seems very few people flee American liberty to live under Venezuelan rule. But I digress.

Yesterday, a woman stopped me in the hall, just over there, and she said that last year her younger sister died from a dose of illegal Chinese fentanyl. We cannot allow the Chinese Communists to do that anymore. But I’m optimistic. I’m optimistic because I have a story, and this story is mine. My dad arrived in this country on a liberty ship from China by way of India and Australia. This was just before the end of the Second World War. He came here to get his engineering degree.

He arrived in 1946, the communists took over in China in 1949. But a generous America allowed him to stay. My dad started a small business — a Chinese takeout, of course. (laughter) He turned it into a successful restaurant. And then he took the proceeds from his restaurant and he bought a building in Madison, New Jersey. He renovated it, and he sparked the rejuvenation of the downtown area. My dad never missed an opportunity to vote.

My dad never missed an opportunity to tell my three sisters and me how wonderful his adopted country was. He would always say China was his birth place, but America — AMERICA — was his home. [STANDING OVATION]

So I’m optimistic. I’m optimistic because I learned from my dad that not only is America a great country but that we Americans are good people. Thank you, Patriots, for defending the country my dad loved so much. We are the United States of America. We must stand united. So let’s tell the world. Let those bastards in Beijing hear us say, USA! USA! USA! USA! America strong, CPAC! America Strong! Thank you so much, and God Bless!



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