New Estimate: 200K Babies Saved From Abortion Since Dobbs

Photo Courtesy of Michael Brown

A new estimate says that 200,000 babies have been saved from abortion in the year since Roe v. Wade was overturned. That’s 200,000 unique and irreplaceable humans who had a chance at life thanks to the June 2022 Dobbs v. Jackson Supreme Court decision.


LifeNews reported on the estimate, which is based on a Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America analysis, and Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) repeated the estimate at a news conference last Tuesday.

“[The] best guess that we have is about 200,000 children were born this year that would not have been born,” Lankford said. Thanks to the Dobbs decision. “That’s 200,000 kids. That’s 200,000 smiling faces on playgrounds. That’s 200,000 silly songs, starting in kindergarten. That’s 200,000 families that will be blessed with looking in the eyes of a child,” Lankford rejoiced.

LifeNews noted that 200,000 “would be enough people to fill a city the size of Grand Rapids, Michigan; Vancouver, Washington; or Chattanooga, Tennessee.”

In contrast, an “estimated 64,443,118 abortions were carried out during the 50 years after Roe v. Wade, according to National Right to Life,” LifeNews added. To put that in context, an estimated 1.21 million Americans have died in all U.S. wars combined. Therefore, the number of babies killed in abortion since Roe is more than 53 times the total U.S. casualties from all wars. That’s mind-blowing mass murder.

And, despite the insane displays of grief and mourning from Democrats, most Americans (more than two-thirds) do believe in banning or restricting abortion. As I wrote yesterday, while Democrats are enthusiastically dedicated to baby murder, targeting pro-life centers and touting not just abortion but infanticide, they don’t speak for a majority of Americans.


For Our VIPs: Why Are Democrats So Enthusiastically Dedicated to Baby Murder?

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Many people don’t know how much help there is available for young mothers facing unplanned pregnancies. Pro-life crisis pregnancy centers outnumber abortion clinics by an estimated 3 to 1 across America. All those centers are eager to help mothers with supplies, medical care, adoption services, and other important aid to help them make the choice for life.

Furthermore, there’s actually a waiting list of 2 million couples wanting to adopt babies in America (that includes Down syndrome babies). How many families could be blessed by babies killed in abortions? Having an abortion puts women at risk of mental health issues, suicide, and other serious issues, and it’s never necessary to save a mother’s life. Abortion is not a solution — it’s murder.

We can truly celebrate the fact that an estimated 200,000 babies have been saved from abortion post-Dobbs. Once again, as the Declaration of Independence intended, we are ensuring that everyone in America has the right to life.


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