The Biden White House leans on Facebook to censor your speech online if what you say goes against what the Biden White House wants you to say.
This is not a conspiracy theory. It’s a fact. Let’s see how well Facebook handles the very sensitive topic of policing even non-political speech in a nation that’s built on the principle that speech must be free, and where people have wide varieties of interests that may fall outside Silicon Valley’s collective experiences.
Facebook flagged the word hoe in a gardening group.
Oh. No. They censored “hoe.”
Wait ’til they figure out what people do with certain emojis…
A group called WNY Gardeners has been repeatedly flagged by the social network for “violating community standards,” when its more than 7,500 members discussed the long-handled bladed implement, which is spelled with an “e,” unlike the offensive term.
When one member commented “Push pull hoe!” on a post about preferred weeding tools, Facebook sent a notification that read, “We reviewed this comment and found it goes against our standards for harassment and bullying,” a moderator said.
This is funny and would be a lot funnier if the Biden White House hadn’t deputized Facebook to chase you and me around on its platform if we post something the regime doesn’t like. But it has.
Dumb White House plus dumb censors = a major problem.
Yesterday I tried to share a graphic on Facebook that said factually true things that are not in dispute. Facebook gave me a little warning as I was posting, as if to flash a yellow light, warning me to slow down and think about whether I really want to speak against the regime.
I posted it anyway and headlined it noting that Facebook tried to slow it down. I am both an American and a Texan.
Back to the hoe scandal. Facebook said it would put more humans on the task, supposedly to avoid censoring hoes and the like. That’s not a comfort to any thinking individual.
The extra set of eyes did not prevent a subsequent post in the group from being automatically disabled because of “possible violence, incitement, or hate in multiple comments,” Licata said.
“Kill them all. Drown them in soapy water,” and “Japanese beetles are jerks,” were some comments Facebook deemed offensive, according to the moderator.
Japanese beetles are a serious pest of flowers, trees and shrubs, fruits and vegetables, field crops and turf.
That’s not me talking. That’s the University of Minnesota. Whoever wrote that will be hauled in for sensitivity training any minute now.
We live in a time in which some dopey scientist out there wants us all to mind the feelings of sharks, and the stupid mainstream media doesn’t laugh him straight off the nearest pier.

Rest assured, Republicans will always “pounce,” according to the media.
And a hoe is really just a hoe no matter what Facebook says.
I hear there’s this thing called MeWe…
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