Liberals Accuse Cornel West, a Black Man, of 'Stealing Votes' From Biden

(AP Photo/Jeff Roberson)

As I have reported previously at PJ Media, the Democrat Party and their proxies in the corporate state media (which is all of it, all the time, with the possible exception of Fox News, although even that network is highly suspect) are positively beside themselves about third-party candidate Cornel West and his perceived deleterious effect on the Brandon entity’s re-election prospects in 2024:


Now, on cue, the corporate state media is framing Cornel West as an illegitimate spoiler candidate getting in the way of the Brandon entity’s re-coronation as lord of the plantation — even going so far as to accuse him of “stealing” votes, particularly black votes, that are rightfully the property of the Democrat Party.

On his show “Morning Joe,” host Joe Scarborough — a nominal Republican, mind you — prompts his guest, John Della Volpe: “How devastating is it if Cornel takes 2, 3, 4% from Joe Biden in 2024?”

Della Volpe nods and receives the question with the appropriate constipated, concerned look at the prospect. “Joe, I think that if he takes that 2–3%, it’s going to be from the constituency that we just talked about,” Della Volpe responds. The constituency he references is black Democrat voters.

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“This race is going to be close,” another panelist chimes in. “Those close to the president are… concerned about a Cornel West… stealing away just enough progressive, young votes, black votes, whatever it might be, to tip the scales.”

If and when the Brandon entity goes down in flames in 2024 (which absolutely will happen if the election is allowed to proceed unhindered by buffoonery), these people will surely blame Cornel West, just as they did with Jill Stein in 2016 without any evidence that she actually cost Hillary Clinton the election.


This is an obvious and stale point, but it’s a cliché because it’s so obviously true: imagine the universal outrage if a Republican had said a black challenger to Trump was “stealing” votes from their preferred candidate.

“Muh racism!” they would cry in unison for an entire news cycle and forevermore.

Everyone knows, whether they admit it or not, that there is a huge double standard when it comes to how the respective parties talk about black voters.

Imagine the hubristic assumption behind the claim: that Joe Biden owns their votes. That he’s entitled to the votes, and that a black man who threatens his ownership of the electorate is “stealing” from him.

It’s much the same kind of dominionism as when the Brandon entity told black voters back in 2020 that they “ain’t black” if they don’t vote Democrat.


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