The Left's Hamas-Inspired Human Shield Rhetorical Trick

Khalil Hamra

I have previously likened the Social Justice™ left to the Palestinian militant organization Hamas in that they hide behind human shields by firing their munitions from school and hospital rooftops. If the enemy restrains itself and doesn’t bomb the school, they enjoy a massive tactical advantage. If the enemy is induced to bomb the school, they get a huge political win, as the images are then exported to the media and the world mourns an assault on innocent schoolchildren.


It’s a brilliant tactic, if morally repugnant.

But no matter: moral repugnance is the bread and butter of the left. The more depraved, the better.

So the left has adopted the same tactic, just with rhetoric instead of homemade rockets.

The recent moral panic over Michael Knowles’ appearance at CPAC is a prime example of this dynamic.

Here’s what Knowles actually said vis-à-vis the ideology of transgenderism:

There can be no middle way in dealing with transgenderism. It is all or nothing… If men really can’t become women, as they cannot, then it’s false… If it’s false, then we should not indulge it… For the good of society… transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely — the whole preposterous ideology.

It might be a little extreme (top-down efforts to forcibly exterminate unwanted cultural elements rarely pan out well — look at China’s Cultural Revolution), and there might be legitimate logistical questions like “who would be doing the eradicating, exactly? The state?”

But whatever one thinks about the proposal, Knowles was clearly referencing transgenderism as an ideology. Any honest interpretation of Knowles’ speech would conclude that he was talking about “eradicating” an ideology, not actual people. It was explicit.

But the obvious rhetoric didn’t stop the Young Turks — MSNBC of the Internet — from deploying the Hamas human shield tactic, repeatedly claiming in their segment that Knowles “called for violence” to “eradicate trans people.”


In this way, they manufacture phantom human victims and then use them as shields to hide behind while they shoehorn in their various social engineering projects.

Because they have no bottom, TYT also dug up some decades-old clip of Knowles in an acting role, playing the part of a homosexual as some sort of evidence that his whole anti-trans thing is a “grift” (they call everything a “grift” that they don’t agree with).

Similar, ideologically aligned Social Justice™-allied media did the same histrionic routine, claiming Knowles’ rhetoric was “genocidal” and that he was targeting them personally.

“Michael Knowles openly called for the eradication of transgender people from society at the recent CPAC conference, to the applause of a large conservative crowd,” SJW cancer Kat Blaque claimed.


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