'Beauty Company' CEO Orchestrates Online Petition to Redefine 'Beauty,' Cites 'Ageism,' 'Sexism'

YouTube / Coty Inc.

Dovetailing flawlessly with another thing I recently wrote, The Social Engineers Make Everything Ugly on Purpose to Demoralize You, transgender Coty CEO Sue Y Nabi attempts to redefine “beauty” to accommodate the old, the fat, the infirm, the gender-diverse, and the ethnic-diverse.


Via Change.org:

The current definition of the word beauty in the dictionary is based on an outdated notion of what is beautiful.

The criteria in the definition in the major English Dictionaries – or more specifically the examples used to illustrate it, were born in a different time and have not aged well. The implicit ageism and sexism in the current definition are anachronistic…
This cause to change the definition of beauty acknowledges all those who celebrate and express their own visions of beauty every day, and validates those who have felt excluded by restrictive definitions of beauty.

The campaign calls for the Dictionary publishers to review the examples in the definition and remove the implicit ageism and sexism they currently contain.

“Beauty becomes formless, like water. It’s not fixed; it’s formless,” goes the accompanying Orwellian ad campaign — a thoroughly on-brand postmodern take in which nothing actually means anything — or, more precisely, words mean exactly what the authorities say they mean at any given moment regardless of contradictory past or future definitions. One must suspend one’s memory at all times in a state of permanent credulity.


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