Horror Show: Homeless Monsters Commit Unprovoked, Life-Altering Violence

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

When I reported yesterday on the suspected serial killer who was wanted for shooting homeless men, my first thought was that we had a vigilante on our hands. Homeless men have been committing simply heinous violence on unsuspecting, innocent citizens for quite some time now, and authorities have yet to take meaningful action to make it stop.

The suspected shooter, Gerald Brevard III, was arrested overnight. You’ll be shocked to learn that he has a long history of both criminal activity and mental illness. Just two years ago, he was charged with assaulting a Virginia woman — the second time he had done so. But, you know … whatever.

I have yet to find an address for Brevard but I can’t help doubting he was living in his mortgage-paid ranch house with a picket fence. The Leftist penchant for leaving people like him free to terrorize Americans is creating an epidemic of random street violence, as an army of dangerously mentally ill people commits one atrocity after another.

Warning: disturbing footage ahead.

Seattle is leading the pack in the liberal city race to become the worst sh*thole the fastest. This is largely due to their embrace of lawlessness a couple of years ago, when defunding the police, decriminalizing crime, and getting rid of bail was all the rage.

Amazon announced on Friday that it would be relocating its Seattle offices to get the 1,800 employees who work there to safety. Downtown Seattle has been convulsed with violence for quite some time. On Jan. 31, a female Asian engineer who worked at the Amazon office was randomly cracked in the head with a baseball bat by a repeat-offender homeless man. The monster actually set down the package he was carrying so he could grip the bat with both hands to slug the woman’s noggin with maximum force. He then treated himself to a slice of pizza. The victim suffered multiple skull fractures that required “significant surgery.”

On March 2, a 62-year-old nurse was assaulted as she ascended the stairs in a Seattle light rail station. Homeless monster Alexander Jay ran to meet her at the top of the flight and hurled her backward down the stairs. She came to rest on a landing, and he ran down to her and threw her down a second flight. This time, the woman grabbed a handrail and didn’t fall as far. Jay struggled to throw her down again then stomped on her before casually leaving the scene. Two “men” (also possibly homeless) rode by on the escalator as the assault was in progress but did nothing. The victim sustained broken ribs and a fractured clavicle.

Related: The Lunatic Left Is Going Off the Rails on the Crazy Train (Again)

Meanwhile, in New York City, the violent mentally ill homeless continue to make their mark. On Saturday, Gary Cabana became so enraged when told his membership at the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) had been revoked that he hurtled the reception desk and stabbed two 24-year-old employees. Two months earlier, Cabana punched a former employer in the face and criminally harassed a former colleague. He also regularly posted disturbing ramblings on social media. His stabbing victims, one male and one female, were taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

The evening before the MOMA mayhem, in the NYC-adjacent suburb of Yonkers, 42-year-old Tammel Esco hurled a racial slur at an Asian female senior citizen as she walked past him, then followed her to the front door of her apartment building. In the entry vestibule, he proceeded to beat her so badly that suffered a brain bleed and multiple facial fractures and lacerations. Esco’s assault — he punched and stomped his victim over 125 times — may have gone unremarked except that he also called his victim an “Asian b***h” during the pummeling. He now faces hate crime charges, which have more teeth than garden variety assault and battery charges, so perhaps Esco at least will be removed from the streets. Click here to watch the restricted video footage on YouTube.

I could go on, but I’m literally sick of watching video clips of brutal violence. None of these victims physically died, so Leftists will tout falling murder rates. But as this Seattle Police graphic shows, assaults are up. If the victim doesn’t die but suffers irreversible brain damage or is otherwise unable to work again, it’s not exactly a great public safety improvement.

While shooting suspect Gerald Brevard III was still at large, NYPD Commissioner Keechant L. Sewell released a statement, saying, in part, “Our homeless population is one of our most vulnerable and an individual [preying] on them as they sleep is an exceptionally heinous crime.” While I am deeply saddened to see any human being living in a state of wretchedness, I’m just about out of empathy for those who are homeless by choice and who are destroying the quality of life — and sometimes life itself — for regular people going about their business and doing all the right things. And I’m truly finished with the bleeding hearts who fancy themselves to be compassionate and good because they free people who aren’t well enough to be on their own. Rebranding the homeless as the “unhoused” isn’t going to fix it, either.

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The point is that society has a choice to make: either we allow the clowns who have created this system to remain in power, and we start wearing helmets and body armor when we’re out and about; or we get serious about transforming our culture, services, and law enforcement back to a sane model.

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