While on the floor of the U.S. Senate, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) was caught by a live microphone saying, “He [President Trump] likes us. He likes me, anyway. […] It’s going to work out and it will make us more productive too.” Seriously, we were told that Trump was going to be the negotiator-in-chief, that he would know how to manage the political climate the same way he managed the business world. That he would be able to get all of his priorities accomplished. But now he seems to have faltered on all of his promises. “#AmnestyDon” is trending on social media, as he gives away the store (of his own supposed principles). I’m on record saying that he should be considerate towards the DACA dreamers, but to sidestep his own party in this way and to (as Nancy Pelosi and Schumer are claiming) abandon building his wall is too much for all those who were guaranteed a president who’d be able to get things done. The GOP should have nominated someone else, someone who was actually going to uphold his beliefs and someone who was going to be an effective party leader. When Schumer and Pelosi are the ones you’re getting along with in Washington, you know there’s a problem. Especially when Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) has said that he was ready to make the border wall, and Trump’s other goals, a priority. Draining the swamp, my donkey-ass…
Schumer Caught on Live Mic Saying Trump 'Likes Us'

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