There is a mysterious blob-like substance that is floating down the street in Santa Clara, California. I think this Facebook comment from Joseph K. sums up the whole thing: “It is a chemical reaction that occurs when liberal tears make contact with a half-caf vanilla soy latte. Lots of that there lately #SoggySafeSpace.”
MYSTERIOUS FOAM: A giant blob is filling a Santa Clara street. Law enforcement is unsure what the source is – watch as it grows!
Posted by KTVU Fox 2 on Friday, November 18, 2016
Check out this awesome bike rider, cycling through a spewing foam spill in Santa Clara. Rad!
— NBC Bay Area (@nbcbayarea) November 18, 2016
Find out what caused the blob on the next page:
We are aware of the FOAM incident from Fire Suppression system that malfunctioned. @SJFD notified. Santa Clara Agencies providing support.
— Santa Clara CA Fire (@SantaClaraFD) November 18, 2016
FOAM is coming from a hangar and extreme East end of Martin Ave in Santa Clara is affected. Please avoid the area.
— Santa Clara CA Fire (@SantaClaraFD) November 18, 2016
300 block of Martin Ave in Santa Clara reopened. FOAM Cleanup still under way. Use caution in the area crews on site.
— Santa Clara CA Fire (@SantaClaraFD) November 19, 2016
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