Hillary Clinton uttered one of the greatest gaffes in political history last week when she was campaigning in Massachusetts for Martha Coakley (who ironically is running to win Mitt Romney’s old job as governor) and said:
“Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.”
Mitt, the business guru is probably calling his banker and asking if he has enough money to run against Hillary in 2016 just so he can debate that line.
Of course Hillary is now trying to clarify the comment but some comments just refuse to be clarified, and this is one of them.
But this zinger, besides totally ticking off everyone who owns, works for, or has ever tried to start a business, presents a fabulous opportunity here at PJ Tatler Caption Contest Land.
Not only can you caption this “best Botox friends forever” photo, but we want you to write a new ending to the sentence, “Don’t let anybody tell you….” and we will offer that to Hillary’s 2016 campaign as her new slogan.
We know Hillary is feeling sad and blue right now because she said what she really thinks, so she will appreciate all the love and support offered by our loyal contest goers.
Here is my entry: “Don’t let anybody tell you except me that I am through campaigning, so just freakin’ coronate me.”
Now in old Contest Land business:
The slogans from our last contest were flying right along with Hillary’s monkey and here are the top three bananas.

Credit: SABO in Hollywood Reporter
Cfbleachers: A vast ape winged conspiracy.
RockThisTown: Somewhere. . . over the campaign dough
Kuce: Hillary 2016 – It depends on what the meaning of the word Oz is!
Congrats to our brain trust. See you at the IRS audit department if the master of this flying monkey is ever elected.
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