Photo Credit: AP
Thanks to everyone who entered our very popular caption contest from July 29. If you are just joining us, please refer back to the original contest to better understand what you are about to read.
Due to the provocative questions raised by the purveyor of this contest, we had several categories of winners.
Let’s start with the most competitive category that asked:
“What is Abe Lincoln thinking as he watches over the dinner?”
The grand prize winner was cfbleachers with:
Abe: Even a house divided against itself cannot stand this guy.
And cfbleachers won a double grand prize with:
Abe–Four score and seven years ago Obama–Fore! Score? And seven holes ago?
MRG01 entered the winners circle with:
Abe Lincoln: All things considered, I’d rather be at the theater.
An honorable mention went to Me 2.0 for:
Lincoln: I knew Lincoln, and you, sir, are no Lincoln!
KUCE won a ribbon for:
Abe: “I fought the Civil War only for this guy to divide us again?”
Walterc earned a prize for:
The Lincoln picture is thinking, “please, shoot me now.”
The next category of winners answered the question:
“What would the Founding Fathers think of this White House statement?”
The grand prize was won by thesnake for:
Founding Fathers: “Dude, where’s my country?”
ME2.0 won again for:
Founders: King George’s revenge!
MrG01 also won again for:
Founding Fathers: WTF?!
The next category of winners was in response to the question:
“Is that a flying monkey from The Wizard of Oz on Obama’s podium?”
KUCE won with:
Of course that is a Flying Monkey. Valerie Jarrett doesn’t leave home without them.
RockThisTown had a brilliant observation:
Is that a flying monkey from The Wizard of Oz on Obama’s podium?
Either that or Obama’s Nobel Screech Prize.
Uncle Lar received an honorable mention for:
Might very well be a flying monkey, but to me looks more like a ruptured duck.
Cfbleachers, who is cleaning up in every category, won with:
The American eagle has formally been replaced by a gargoyle.
MRG01 scores again for:
Flying monkey: “Pay no attention to the man behind the teleprompter”
Our next contest question, “What is on the mind of the young man standing to the right of President Obama?” – was answered by Katherine in RB in the most politically incorrect manner:
“Did that woman just put on one of our table cloths?” (Woman at far left seated next to the real President of the United States, Valerie Jarrett.)
Finally, we have the winners of the general caption category.
Spudnik won the grand prize with:
“As you can see from the portrait above me, some of our greatest presidents were Muslims!”
Spudnik also earned an honorable mention for:
“I don’t always leave the golf course. But when I do, it’s for something really important.”
Yoroscoe took home honors with:
“You didn’t build that Jihad.”
Belial Issimo received a trophy for:
“If you like your caliphate, you can keep your caliphate.”
USMCVet ranked high with:
You fine folks are the fabric of our great nation. It is great to get away from the hatin’.
Cfbleachers won the grandest of grand prizes for the overall contest.
His two winners in the general category were:
If Muslims built that…who exactly then are the people who “didn’t build that?”
Obama took time out from golfing and vacations to throw a tantrum at Israel and celebrate a holiday named after him. — Idle Fitter.
Thanks again to everyone who took the time to enter this contest. The contest was a reaction to an extremely controversial statement by President Obama which was widely reported everywhere except in the mainstream media. The remark was made at the White House during the Eid-al-Fitr dinner marking the end of Ramadan.
Usually this is the part when I say, “See you next time a photo is worthy of a PJM photo caption contest.” However, on Sunday an old friend sent me a photo/tweet which deserved my immediate attention. Thanks RB!
Now that photo/tweet is our newest caption contest already in progress. See you there!
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