Thanks to everyone who entered our latest, successful contest.
Now, good luck defeating that kick-a** IRS audit team who will soon be knocking down YOUR door! And here is why….
The grand prize winner was Allan Crowson with:
From: “I have a pen and I have a phone” To: “I have a chin and I have a cone.”
The rest of the winners were:
Chris Henderson with:
Ice cream courtesy of Ben & Ghazi’s 57 states 31 excuses flavors.
MeridianMan won with: Conehead.
Two from Cfbleachers:
Obama is celebrating his month of VA waiting list death march, IRS destruction of evidence, the economy contracting at an alarming rate, ISIS rampaging Iraq, and Obamacare second monthly payments evaporating. The path he’s charted for America has only one flavor. Rocky Road.
Eating ice cream like Jaws? Most people lick it. But as Putin, the Mullahs, Assad and ISIS have shown, Obama can’t lick anything.
RockThisTown gave us:
The President’s Top Ten favorite ice cream flavors:
10) Equal Distribution 9) Fudge on Everything 8) America Snickers 7) My Un-Rocky Road [to the White House] 6) Seventeen-Trillion Mint 5) Neapolitan Media Spin 4) Let ’em Eat Cake 3) Michelle’s Vacation Delight 2) Choom ‘n Cherry Garcia 1) GNP Crunch n’ Slide
Here are the soccer photo winners.
The grand prize goes to wintermute for:
Soccer continues to grow in popularity and even America’s leader is known to relax while watching a World Cup match (also pictured, Barack Obama).
The second grand prize winner is CraigZ with: Obama in the Situation Room during the assault on Benghazi.
Wintermute also had a runner-up with: Hey, have the NSA pull up Merkel’s phone feed to see if she’s gloating about this.
Cfbleachers had several winners:
Some people say that Obama ignores world crises while watching sports on TV. That’s not fair. Sometimes he plays golf.
Obama and Jarrett sit and watch helplessly as yet another opponent delivers a crushing defeat. Oh, and they also watched soccer.
Why is Obama sitting around watching soccer? Because Air Force One doesn’t have a golf course.
Someone raised in Iran sits with someone raised in Indonesia to take time out from rooting against America.
(Editor’s note: Most people do not know that our “Madame President” was born and raised in Iran for the first six years of her in life.)
Allan Crowson had two winners:
Watching soccer: “Now THIS is what I’m talking about! I wish my foreign policy worked like this game: moving us forward by losing!”
Just like the Obama economy: all the good stuff’s at the top, with empty remnants of crumbs at the bottom.
Chris Henderson won with this amazing entry:
No wonder Obama likes soccer: It’s a Third World and European namby-pamby sport that often has no winners, is watched by rioting hooligans and has a red line drawn down the middle of the field that is crossed without penalty.
Zip Code (our newest Caption) King won with:
Mr President, Mr President, yoo-hoo Mr President:
(The emergency phone is ringing and all the lights are flashing.)
The President: Is there any popcorn left?
See you all next time a photo is worthy of a PJ Media photo caption contest!
Oh wait there’s more… I love this image from Roger Simon’s piece on the Blood Feud book (that I am reading as I post this contest because I can not put it down.) So go ahead and caption this image, courtesy of Ed Driscoll, if you are up for a deeper, longer and more expensive audit.

Credit: Ed Driscoll
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