Credit: MAD Magazine
Thanks to all who participated in our latest successful contest based on a MAD Magazine “movie” poster. The winning entries were judged on how well they improved upon the poster subtitle, “The Mission is a Disaster.”
There were numerous winning subtitles and one that blew us away with its subtle reminder that the Clinton’s might re-occupy the White House.
So without further adieu, the grand prize winner is JRSWINE for his R-rated subtitle, Trading Private Bergdahl: A Major Bowe Job
The second grand prize goes to Kuce for Trading Private Bergdahl: Because a bird in the hand is worth five in the Bush’s fault.
Here are the “rest of the best” in no particular order:
RockThisTown gave us —
Trading Private Bergdahl:
1. And granting him an Obamacare waiver, too!
2. “If I had son, well, OK, he wouldn’t look like Bergdahl…but the 5 terrorists I traded for him would!”
Allen Crowson won with — Trading Private Bergdahl: Maybe they will like us now.
Kuce cracked up the judges over and over with —
Trading Private Bergdahl:
1. Losing one man is a tragedy, but releasing five is a voting block.
2. From the creators of Sleepless in Qatar, and You’ve Got Ca-Mail
3. An EXPLOSIVE new release starring Mohammad, Larry, Curly, Shemp & introducing Abdul as Bob the Bombmaker
Patjenn entered the winners circle with:
Trading Private Bergdahl:
1. “But we got an Afghani Falafel recipe too.”
2. “Terrorism? What, Me Worry?”
Cfbleachers our Caption King emeritus entertained with:
Trading Private Bergdahl:
1.The Mission is the Message
2. Hey, We Fallujahed You Again
3. Obama Is Dead And The Taliban Is Resurrected
4. Lyin, Triggers and Beards, Oh My
And before cfcleachers got the contest memo about writing a new subtitle, he gave us: Shaving Private Bergdahl.
There were many more highly rated “subtitles” left on the cutting room floor so go back and read them all.
Meanwhile, continuing our D-Day theme (and if you missed it, a pictorial about my visit to Omaha beach) here is what our brave Commander in Chief was doing during the 70th anniversary ceremony.
I just could not resist spitting this one out (as he should have!) See you all next time a photo is worthy of a Tatler Photo Caption Contest.
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