Credit: Politico
Thanks to all who entered our latest contest.
The entries reflected the brilliant (and in some cases) warped creative minds of our loyal followers. So keep up the great work!
To refresh your memory, the contest “mission” was for you to write a more colorful caption than the “official caption” from Politico: Covering Hillary — A short visual history.
We have a grand prize winner who perfectly fulfilled our mission.
So let’s hear it for Kuce who wins the George W. Bush “Mission Accomplished” banner with:
Covering Up Hillary – A Vast Write Wing Conspiracy
Kuce also wins a smaller banner for:
I suppose we should be grateful that one of the magazines was not Playboy.
Here are the rest of the best:
Ghanburi won with: “In search of a ‘reset’ button for collective memory.”
Chris in N.VA gave us: The Bill Of Victory — The Shrillary of Defeat (we hope!)
RockThisTown wrote this sexist-piggish caption that cracked up the judges:
Mag covers abound, but what difference does it make if the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition is missing.
Allan Crowson wrote: Paid for by Media to Elect Hillary (MEH). So magazine cover editors won’t have to work as hard.
Chris Henderson (our reigning Caption King, but Kuce is coming on strong) rewrote the lyrics to that classic 70’s song, “Cover of the Rolling Stone.” Here is a link to the You Tube video if your aging memory is in need of a refresher.
Henderson wrote: A song about “Dr. Crook” with apologies to Dr. Hook:
Well, I’m a big left-winger
With golden cattle future fingers
And the media loves everything I preach
I fling platitudes to get people to the voting booth
At ten-thousand dollars a speech
I pass all kind of bills that give me all kind of thrills
But the thrill I’ve never known
Is the thrill that’ll getcha when I get my picture
On the cover of the Rolling Stone
Finally, you probably heard that our “Beloved Leader” made a surprise visit to Afghanistan over Memorial Day weekend so his minions could “out” our CIA Station Chief to visit with our troops.
In honor of that noble deed, here is a photo for you to caption as a non-contest and to answer the question, “What is the meaning of Obama’s hand signal?”
Have fun and for once, you DO NOT have to be nice.
See you all next time a photo is worthy of a PJ Media Photo Caption Contest.
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