At the beginning of our latest contest the following question was posed:
In the glorious history of PJ Tatler Photo Caption Contests could this be the best photo ever?
Regardless of whether you thought this truly was the best contest photo ever, it certainly sparked much interest. So thanks to all who entered and here are the winners from this highly competitive contest.
Honorable Mentions
Zip Code had two winners:
Check this out Michelle, after all these years the White House laundry finds Mr. Clinton’s lost shirt.
I have not had foreign relations with anybody!
“I went to New Jersey and all I got was this lousy kiss from Chris Christie.”
Born Free had two winners:
“Investigate THIS, Issa!”
“Get a Marine gunnery sergeant over here to take care of this, on the double!
Gold Mix:
“The New York Times did this… WaPo, you can do it, too.”
Mike 7777777:
“Next time somebody remind David Gregory that my ass is down here”
“MSNBC, let me be clear, this is not where my ass is located.”
Now for the Grand Prize Winners….
Judge’s note: Due to the sheer volume of ultra-brilliant submissions there are four grand prize winners. This means more seats are needed on the train heading to Camp Obama-nation this summer, where I hear water boarding is a competitive sport.
JeffHansen: (I think you are a contest newcomer, so welcome aboard!)
“I didn’t know about the lipstick until I saw it on TV.”
“Does this shade match my lies?”
RockThisTown (one of our Caption Kings) had two great ones:
Obama gets a kiss, America gets lip service.
This was the moment when the rise of Michelle’s ire began and our planet began to reel.
Important Note: Just in case you forgot why this submission is the work of a genius, let me explain. This caption is a clever re-write of a statement then-Senator Barack Obama made in a speech on June 3, 2008 after winning the Democrat nomination for president. This is what he actually said, and then managed to get elected five month later:
This is the moment when the rise of the oceans begin to slow and the planet begins to heal.
Thank-you RockThisTown for giving me an excuse to mention one of my favorite Obama-gasims!
See you all again soon, either at camp, or next time a photo is worthy of a Tatler Photo Caption Contest!
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