This photo (taken by yours truly this past summer) is of a poster for sale in the little town of Honfleur, France.
The poster was displayed on the sidewalk right outside the shop.
Apparently my taking this photo really ticked off the shopkeeper, who ran outside to scream at me in French using not so kind words according to my husband who translated.
But, if I had told her I was taking the photo for a future “world famous” Tatler Photo Caption Contest, I am sure she would have been much more hospitable.
Months have past, then today it dawned on me – this photo was destined to be the subject of the first Post Election Contest. Isn’t this the perfect image to celebrate the reelection of The Dear Leader of the New America?
So today if you are feeling anything like I do, you have my permission to open the emotional flood gates of your heart and write a caption as a cathartic exercise in grief management.
You know the rules, “be nice and stay classy because the media is watching.” (Now perhaps that should be rewritten to read, “be nice and stay classy because the administration is watching.”)
Our winner will receive tons of free PR in a future post which is worth only what you think it is worth.
Finally, I am counting on you all to cheer me up and make me laugh.
But good luck with that.
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