PKK Signs Ceasefire with Turkey

By Michael J. Totten
The Marxist-Leninist Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) in Eastern Turkey just declared a unilateral ceasefire after the Turkish military shelled them in their mountain redoubt in Northern Iraq.
I was working on an article about this conflict, which I hoped to finish by midnight last night, but every word I wrote is now irrelevant.
It’s good news, though, obviously, even if I did spin my wheels for a couple of hours. I have my doubts that the PKK will abide by the ceasefire, but at least Iraqi Kurdistan seems to be spared a new war for now, and the bombs in Turkey might actually stop. We’ll see how long this lasts.
Hopefully I won’t have to finish that article. I will if I have to, if what I wrote becomes relevant again.
Post-script: Thank you all so much for donating money for travel expenses to Iraq. I intend to send individual thank-you emails, but I want to say thanks in public as well.



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