IDF Puts Out Shocking Interrogation Footage of Hamas Terrorists Who Murdered Jews

AP Photo/Adel Hana

There are bits and pieces a person needs to understand in order to see the full picture of what’s going down between Israel and Hamas, many of them religious in nature. That’s the part that makes the liberals antsy because acknowledging the violence inherent within the Islamic tradition means they have to admit that not all cultures have equal value. It’s safe to state that a culture that prides itself on bloody acts of violence and forcing people to convert to its religion at the point of a sword — or barrel of a gun — along with restricting folks in such a way that prevents flourishing and advancement is not as good as a culture that does the opposite of these things.


That is why the left is so desperate to twist the narrative concerning Israel, often attempting to paint it as a nation of colonizers and brutal oppressors. We have to fight against this false narrative in order for people to see the truth about what’s happening in the Middle East.

This is a point Israel understands well, which is why it is transparent about its encounters with Hamas terrorists. According to the Daily Wire, the Israel Defense Forces recently released raw video footage of interrogations of alleged terrorists who have killed Jews since the attacks earlier this month. Material like this is released to the public because it shows us the kind of enemy the Israelis are really dealing with and the situation that’s actually unfolding, rather than the false narrative radical leftists try to push through the media.

Check out further details from the report (with emphasis added):

The footage shows the faces, full names, and rank of several of the captured terrorists. All of the terrorists were in handcuffs, one was wearing a shirt that was covered in blood.

The terrorists described the tasks that they were ordered to carry out, which included taking over military posts near the Gaza-Israel border, massacring civilians in kibbutzs, and kidnapping the civilians they could control. Those who were able to kidnap civilians got financial rewards, including apartments and $10,000.

“The goal of our infiltration for them was to capture and kidnap as many as possible,” one terrorist said.


Does this sound like the action of a freedom fighter who simply wants to exist peacefully on his own land? I don’t think so.

Several of the terrorists who were interrogated revealed they had been commissioned to take over and “cleanse” the kibbutz of Jewish people. Folks, that’s genocide. These are soldiers of Islam who, according to their religious tenets, were commanded to kill all of the Jews in a specific area. Islam states that any land previously believed to belong to Muslims is to be attacked over and over again until it is back under the control of Islamists.

Again, this is not simply a political matter.

One of the terrorists described going on a shooting spree, mowing down innocent civilians, and burning houses down. Others were all too happy to inform the IDF how they slaughtered whole families, including women, children, elderly relatives, and even pets.

Another said these acts were carried out in a “barbaric manner.” When someone this cold-hearted says something like that, believe them.

When the miscreants were asked, they stated they were all Muslims but then said Islam does not instruct them to kill innocent people. Oh really? Then why is that what they did? Would Allah not be furious with them for their actions?

They acknowledged that they were no different than ISIS and tried to avoid responsibility for their terrorism by claiming that they were tricked by the top leaders of Hamas.


So they are cowards who don’t want to pay the penalty for their actions huh?

Let’s hope spreads far and wide so people understand who Hamas really is.


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