The 2016 Election Just Got Weirder

(AP Photo/Jim Cole)

John Kasich, who is under the increasingly bonkers delusion that he is a viable presidential candidate, is, get this, vetting fantasy vice-presidential candidates for his fantasy bid for the presidency:


Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s campaign is starting to vet potential vice presidential running mates that it may use as part of its pitch at the Republican convention in Cleveland, he said in an interview Saturday.

“Well, we have some old hands now who are beginning to do that,” Kasich said in an interview for Sunday’s CBS “Face the Nation.” “These things come quickly and you don’t want to have yourself in a position where you’ve got to pick somebody out of a hat.”

And asked whether that’s something he will use in Cleveland to help get delegates to turn his way after the first ballot, Kasich replied: “Yeah, I think it’s always possible.”

“I had approved that we were going to start vetting. These are things you talk about as a group,” he said. “I’ll have my strong opinions of it at some point. But we’re at the preliminary stage.”

The Ohio governor, who apparently has nothing better to do than to pretend to run for the GOP nomination, is betting his vacation time between now and the Republican convention in July that, despite his mere 148 delegates, a vague aura of “electability” will somehow propel him past Donald Trump and Ted Cruz in a contested convention.


Kasich said his campaign is making progress on picking up new delegates–“we just keep putting one foot in front of the other”–and that his candidacy will get support from already selected delegates who care about electability in the general election.

“I think when we’re at the convention, the delegates are going to want to know who can beat Hillary because if we don’t beat Hillary we lose the Supreme Court, the United States Senate, state and local races, that’s where we’re heading,” he said.

This is a common refrain from the never-Trumpers and the Cruz supporters: that the loss of the White House will also mean the loss of the Court (which is already gone, no matter what happens), as well as the Senate. But what, really, has been the difference between the Senate of 2016 and the one which preceded it?


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