Posted by Mary Madigan
I thought Michael was supposed to be back by now. Has he wandered off somewhere new? He keeps doing that.
I hope he comes back soon because I’m running out of stuff to say. All I have for you today is some pictures of orange curtains flapping in Central Park.
It’s not much, and Jeremy and Eric have done better coverage of the Gates issue. But, as you know I like to avoid expressing strong or offensive opinions.
If Michael ever does return, I’d just like to say, many thanks to everyone for listening to and making such great comments about my blather; many thanks to Jeremy for sharing the responsibility of guest-blogging and tons of thanks to Michael for the opportunity to speak to the very large audience that he has done a lot of hard work and excellent writing to attract.
Now, I’ll get back to my curtains. Oh, and don’t forget, I’m still blogging at Exit Zero and with the crew at Dean’s World. (that’s another reason why women have a hard time in the blogosphere. We’re so humble).
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