Cows have four stomachs. Glenn Reynolds has six brains.
One reads the Internet. (Yes, the entire Internet.) A second brain thinks about what the first brain reads. A third answers his email. (I have access to his inbox. It gives a whole new meaning to the word “Instalanche.”) A fourth brain composes posts on Instapundit. A fifth writes columns for Tech Central Station, MSNBC, and The Guardian. A sixth teaches law.
So when Glenn goes on vacation he has to enlist at least three people (who only have one brain apiece, I might add) to fill in for him.
You know how it is when you click on over to Instapundit. He’s got links to seemingly everything over there. You’ll get a decent idea what’s going on in the country, in the world, and in his six brains just by scanning his list of links. If you click on over today and see what Ann Althouse, Megan McArdle, and I have posted you won’t get that. Sorry. We can’t cover everything. We need three more brains to do that.
Before I became one-third of Instapundit I didn’t know how he does it. Now I really don’t know how he does it. I’m kidding about the six brains. He doesn’t really have that many — I don’t think. He’s just a very talented person. It’s a good thing he makes decent money from blogads. Instapundit is a job.
Ann Althouse wrote about what it’s like for her to be another third of Instapundit. You and me both, Ann!
Being Instapundit
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