Why is “Hitler” wine being sold in Europe? Is this supposed to be funny? Ironic? Chic? What?
Apparently, there are Mussolini and Stalin collections, too.
Imagine what Europeans would say if an American wine-maker put out a flaming-cross and hooded white-sheet collection.
I understand these are part of a “historical” series. But, still. Who would buy these? I hope I’m not being overly PC, but I would feel ashamed to have this on my table.
I’d like to know what Europeans think of this. Are they appalled? Or is this a symptom of contempt for history and memory. (Via Charles Johnson.)
UPDATE: Via Dragoon (in the comments) comes this story from Google News.
GERMANY has protested to Italy over a winery that labels its bottles with portraits of Adolf Hitler, the Justice Ministry said Friday.
Justice Minister Brigitte Zypries recently wrote to her Italian counterpart to say the labels are “contemptible and tasteless” and asked him to see what could be done against them, spokeswoman Christiane Wirtz said.
The wine is available legally in Italy, where it can also be purchased on the Internet, Ms Wirtz said. Its sale is illegal in Germany, where products bearing images or slogans from the Nazi era are outlawed.
Still, Bavaria state said it was opening an investigation to see if any of the bottles had crossed the border.
Ms Zypries, in her letter to Italian Justice Minister Roberto Castelli, expressed hope that Italy would act as part of common European efforts to fight racism and xenophobia.
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