The Morning Briefing: The Thanksgiving Hangover Edition

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

I hope wherever Kruiser is, he’s feeling better than I am currently. It’s been five days since the Thanksgiving feast and my gastrointestinal situation is still not over it. Maybe that’s because we sat around at my house and did nothing but eat for the entire Thanksgiving break, but my newly lighter frame is not used to it. Pass the Pepto. 


I’ve gone back to my usual lighter fare that does not include five different kinds of cheeses, all the things covered in gravy, pounds of Chex mix, and plate after plate of pies and desserts. Thanksgiving used to be my favorite holiday because of the food, food, and more food, but since losing weight and dropping several sizes, I may have to rethink it. Overeating gave me no pleasure at all this year and, in fact, only brought pain and suffering. For that, I’m actually grateful. If I needed a sign to tell me I’m on the right track, the constant stomachache I’ve had since Thursday night did it.

I hope all of you are recovering from your feasts-o-plenty better than I am. I’m still having to figure out what to do with all the leftovers. Tonight’s creation was a Thanksgiving shepherd’s pie with leftover turkey and ham simmered in gravy with celery and carrots, topped with leftover mashed potatoes and a light sprinkling of cheese. It was quite scrumptious, with all the flavor of Thanksgiving without the quantity. One cup was sufficient to enjoy all the flavors without busting a stomach lining. I was left asking myself why our family traditions are “eating until we feel like we are dying” followed by hours of TV binging. Surely, there are healthier options we should explore like a game of backyard flag football or maybe even a walk. There’s always next year. 

Speaking of bad habits, politics is so depressing that I’ve turned to true crime binge-watching. That’s how bad American politics has become — serial killer tales are more uplifting. At least the bad guys get caught and punished, unlike the political scene where literal child traffickers end up “hanging themselves” before anyone gets the client list. All I want for Christmas is Jeffrey Epstein’s clients on trial. Is that too much to ask? 


But if you too are sick of our political scene then join me on True Crime Tuesdays starting today on Rumble where I go through some of my favorite true crime documentaries. Live at 11 am ET, I’ll be highlighting John Wayne Gacy’s taped interviews and the Netflix documentary Night Stalker, The Hunt for a Serial Killer with my good friend and true crime buff Diego Knows.

It’s a sorry state of affairs when politics is more depressing than murder… but here we are!

But maybe it’s just me. If you’re still feeling like you care about all things political, then here’s what you should be reading today.


SPENCER: Say what, now? Sheila Jackson Lee is her usual moronic self and claims that words are violence

JUST SHOOT ME. The Transing of the Christ

College is overrated: The Babylon Bee Publishes a Hysterical Spoof of a College English Course Description. Oh, Wait!

KDJ: Don’t Be Fooled — Antifa Is America’s Nazis

Vodkapundit: This is what your leaders want for you. CHINA PROTESTS: Xi Faces Toughest Test of His Social Credit Controls

Thorne: Heroes all. Leftists Crow About Chasing 50 Major Advertisers Off Twitter

Just when you think they can’t get dumberLegal Gun Purchases = Slavery?

Wait. I spoke too soon. WHO Renames Monkeypox Because RACISM!

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (You don’t need a deprogrammer for your kids if they read PJ Media, though. Keep that in mind.) NYC Mom Hired ‘Deprogrammer’ for Daughter ‘Brainwashed’ by College’s Woke Agenda (After paying the college to brainwash her kid)


I almost forgot!

The Mailbag of Hate.

Rebecca writes in one for all of us on staff here. We posted it in the breakroom and we all had a good laugh:

You are the inevitable fallout from elimination of the Fairness Doctrine, and the advent of internet based self declaration of roles.Do you have ANY qualifications to be publishing your crap and passing it off as news? Do you ever substantiate or bother to provide any context for anything? Not that I or any thinking human or true journalist can see.You should be ashamed of yourself and your opportunistic, truth free squawking. If you posessed any form of moral compass, you never engage in this BS. You’re on the wrong side of history and shame to our society. The fact that you call yourself news is nauseating.Your “publication” simply reflect and perpetuates the issues that are affecting our country now in the worst possible way. I live in hope of the day real journalism with integrity makes a return and those like yourself are forced to shut down your little echo chambers.How do you sleep at night I have no idea, except that you must be far more enamored of money than human lives. I hope you and your publication burn as soon as possible. You’re unqualified, Clueless as to what constitutes reporting and have absolutely no business putting up the venues that you have. Go to hell.

That word “venues” doesn’t mean what you think it means, Rebecca. Besides that, I can’t find much wrong with this missive. I like the imagery of “truth free squawking” very much. I think she meant truth-free, but without that hyphen it just becomes “truthful free squawking,” which sounds like a lot of fun. And we do have fun here, Rebecca. More fun than you’ve ever experienced while reading the New York Times. You’re welcome! And it should be noted that considering the moral-free society in which we live, I’m proud to be seen as shameful in comparison. If I am a shame to this society then that means I stand in opposition to it. That’s exactly where I want to be. As to how I sleep at night, I sleep wonderfully on a Heavenly Bed by Westin. It was very expensive. You would have to have a job to afford one and not reside in your parents’ basement, as I suspect Rebecca might.


What’s on VIP

Fox: An NBC Reporterette Making a Fool Out of Herself

Margolis: Maricopa County Is Ground Zero in the Fight for Election Integrity

Is DEI the Future of Health Care?

Apple Blackmailed Developer Into Blocking COVID Searches… and Maybe Elon Musk’s Twitter, Too

He won’t go away. Fauci’s Quackery Was Exposed in Recent Deposition

Townhall Mothership

SCHLICHTER: The Case Against Everyone Else 2024 – Part 1

Twitter Won’t Be Free Until The Covid Dissidents Are

China and the Democratic Party I: Gradual, Creeping Tyranny Leads to…

Liz Cheney Wins 2022 Turkey of the Year Award

New York Gun Law Keeps Getting Struck Down

😂 Report: Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition charged with felony theft of luggage

Reporter Thirsts for Fascism While Setting Up Disturbing Reply From Karine Jean-Pierre

New York Times columnist thinks we should be more like Europe

Small-town anti-gun mayor has full-time security team

Schiff doesn’t know if he would obey a GOP subpoena to testify

Clean up is underway at the House of Mouse as latest woke Disney movie bombs at the box office



That’s it for me today! Have a great rest of your week! Kruiser will be back tomorrow and you all can resume…whatever it is you do here when I’m not here.


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