[WATCH] Viral Police Stop Ends in Hilarity as Woman Expresses Appreciation for Hot Cop

Everyone at PJ Media knows how much I love hot cops. If there’s a hot cop story out there, you can trust that I will find it and I will report on it. You’re welcome. I can also be counted on for hot fireman stories or calendar releases or anything else where hot public servants are featured; I’m on that story like Kruiser and Vodkapundit jump on their weekly Butcher Box delivery. My work on behalf of men in uniform is well documented.


I love men. I love my dad, my husband, my son, my brothers-in-law, my cousins, my friends, firemen (especially their calendars), policemen, baseball players, football players in those shiny pants, Bruce Willis… wait, where was I going with this?

In fact, if you Google “Megan Fox PJ Media hot cops,” you’ll find more. I consider it my beat. I almost got arrested by a hot cop once during my epic battle against a corrupt library board that thought calling hot cops on me would be a deterrent. It was thrilling. There’s footage that proves I’ve been reporting on hot cops for almost a decade now. I’m PJ Media’s foremost expert on this important issue.

There’s just something about a uniform and muscles that makes the ladies go crazy. And one lady went particularly crazy during a traffic stop with one of the hottest cops anyone has ever seen. In the video, a woman is outside of her car speaking to a hunky cop while being filmed by what might be her husband in the car (making this even funnier). The woman is explaining to the officer how much she appreciates his professionalism, but then it takes a surprising turn.

“You were so respectful and so nice. You came over and you were communicating what you needed and then you were HOT!” she said as the officer started laughing. “See, if the police department just hired more hot police officers, we wouldn’t have violence anymore,” she said sincerely. “And do that smile right there,” she said as the officer grinned widely. “Sir, you could bring peace to the Middle East.” Amen, sister. Amen.


“Peace through hot cops” is a bumper sticker I would put on my car. “I just wanted you to know, as I thoroughly watch you walk to your car and back,” she continued as the man filming her chuckled. “I can tell you work out and I’m glad, and I’m appreciating that God helps you work out. He did a great job on you, yes!” she said, giving thanks to the Lord for the fine specimen of masculinity with tattooed arms and broad shoulders.

The officer said, “Well, I appreciate that,” and shook her hand.

Thank you, Jesus, for hot cops. I hope it brightens your day like it did mine.


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