
Weekly Good News Round-Up: Chickens of Winter, Nostalgia, and Furry Friends

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What’s up, friends? Fall is over and that makes me sad. … BUT, in New York there is now a blanket of snow on the ground that is quite lovely. Also, I’ve broken out the almond peppermint mocha creamer that is fantastic. My chickens aren’t too pleased about the snow but they’ll live. I’ve tucked them in with some extra bedding and I visit them frequently to make sure they’re okay. They’re hardy creatures, if extremely dumb. As a chicken owner, I now totally understand why “chicken brain” is an insult. They’re sweet, but they would run into danger if I wasn’t there to stop them. I don’t know how chickens in the wild survive. Are chickens “in the wild” a thing? Some creatures just do better with human intervention: chickens are definitely those creatures.


When I was little I spent every weekend at my Gramma Vicky’s house in Downer’s Grove, Illinois. Those were the greatest days of my life. My mother would give Gramma strict instructions not to feed me any milk or sugar or let me stay up past nine. As soon as she would leave, Gramma and I would go to the grocery store and fill the cart with ice cream and donuts and everything else I wasn’t allowed to have at home. Then we would go to her house, light a fire in the stone fireplace in the breezeway, and stay up all night watching Johnny Carson and playing Crazy Eights. One time we stayed up until 2 a.m. in a card tournament of our own design. I’ll never forget how fun it was.

Gramma Vicky had a little dog named Holly. Holly was a black and grey toy poodle who would sit on Gramma’s lap for hours as she watched her “stories” — that’s what she called soap operas. I was delighted to find this adorable video the other day that looks a lot like Holly. It brought back the memories. There isn’t much better than the love of grandparents, so if yours are still alive, go hug them. And if your kids don’t spend enough time at your parent’s house, go drop them off this weekend for some quality time. They’ll treasure those memories forever.

Dogs really are wonderful

Speaking of animals that need us, it never ceases to amaze me what happiness dogs can give and express. We really don’t deserve them, but God gave them to us anyway and I’m very thankful for them. My dog, Archie Ruckus, is a total weirdo. He does crazy things like chase his tail with Olympian gusto that drives us all crazy — because when a 110-pound dog is whipping around in a circle, he could take your knees out in a hot second. But he makes us laugh. I’ve never had a dog that watches TV before but if there are animals on the screen, Archie Ruckus he will be riveted. It’s a scream. I’ll have to try and get a video for you sometime. But the dog in the clip below really got to me. Watch. Have tissues on standby.

Democrat hypocrisy is always good for a laugh

Doesn’t it bug you that the same people who have railed against Big Pharma and Big Business and Wall Street for so many years suddenly want to make out with Pfizer executives? It’s so silly, and this comedy routine by Ryan Long below makes me choke on tears of mirth (and frustration). Enjoy this, it’s brilliant.

Giving animals human experiences is fun

But enough with the politics. Here’s a sloth playing with water in a fast boat. This thing has never been anywhere this fast. What a fun experience! He’s loving it!

Playing is the secret of life

People need to play with one another more. Babies play, animals play, but for some reason, when we grow up we don’t spend much time playing anymore. But this baby got an entire crowd of people to play with him and it’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen. Guaranteed. He’s either going to be an orchestra conductor or a future dictator. Either way, I’m rooting for him. Skillz.

Related: An Ode to the Joy of the Korean Corn Dog and the Smells of Summer

Have a terrific weekend! Don’t forget to go outside, love your pets, play with your kids, and forget about the craziness of our world for at least 48 hours.



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