Teen Touches Himself In Front of a Child and Library Director Does Nothing

This installment is part of an ongoing investigation into the Orland Park Public Library in Illinois and the availability of pornography with the consent of library policy. The investigation headed up by writers and Illinois residents Megan Fox and Kevin DuJan has found dangers to women and children posed by the people who access pornographic sites in public. We intend to demonstrate by example how to identify, target and change problems in your community and show what two people with a bulldog attitude can accomplish against even the most entrenched government entities.

Part 1: Staff Response to Sex Crime Reported at Orland Park Public Library: ‘He Doesn’t Mean Anything’ 

Part 2: After She Reports Public Masturbation, Library Staff Moves Woman to Different Computer

Part 3: Full Exposure and Public Masturbation? Librarian Warns Don’t Do That Again



In today’s revelations of what is going on over at the Orland Park Public Library, we have a document written by Library Director Mary Weimar in response to a mother who complained about a very suspicious person.

oct 28 2010 firstoct 28 2010 1

To summarize, a mother with three children just coming out of story time was asked by a teenager how old her 6 year old was. When she told him, he said “she’s a cutie” and touched himself in front of the child. When Weimar was notified about this incident, after it happened, she wrote this incident report and filed it away. I sent another FOIA request in response to this incident and asked specifically if there are any documents or emails or calls to police showing that Weimar had acted further on this incident. The reply was, “no such documents.” However, in review of police reports from a separate incident involving a man masturbating in front of a teen on the 2nd floor, the police report mentioned that it obtained security video from the lobby. This is the same lobby in which the incident referenced in the document above occurred. So I sent a FOIA request for the security video of that incident. The response was, “no video exists.” However, video did exist when Weimar heard of this incident. According to Orland Park Public Library’s written policy, it was her duty to obtain that video and turn it over to her legal counsel for investigation. Library policy is clear:


“When library personnel have a reasonable belief that a crime has been committed, the library personnel should use reasonable efforts to preserve any direct evidence of that crime and turn it over to the library director or the library’s legal counsel.”

A crime, according to library policy, includes “masturbation (fondling one’s own sex organs, breats, or buttocks either directly or through clothing)”

Weimar had every reason to believe that a crime had been committed based on the mother’s report. But she did not go to the security office and request footage of the incident to turn over to her legal counsel (and if she did and they have it they have violated FOIA laws by not releasing it to me.) Why was this not done? Why were the Orland Park Police not called to help identify this budding pedophile? And why, over several years, is this a pattern at the Orland Park Library, to cover up crimes and allow dangerous people to come and go unfettered and unmolested by authorities? Why does the Orland Park Library Director Mary Weimar not follow her own written policies?


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