
These Demographic Shifts Must Have the Harris Campaign Panicking

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

The warning signs for Democrats have been evident for months, if not years. They are steadily losing support from critical demographics that form the backbone of their base. Prior to Joe Biden's withdrawal, the outlook for the Democratic Party was dire. Although Kamala Harris has since taken over the top of the ticket and improved the party's situation to some extent, the fundamentals driving these shifts remain unchanged. As a result, she is still struggling to win the support necessary for Democrats to feel confident.

It's been clear for some time that Trump is making inroads with black voters, and a recent NAACP poll backs this up—not that the liberal media was willing to admit it. The poll showed Trump with 13% support compared to Kamala Harris’s 63%. While this might not seem particularly encouraging for Trump at first glance, it was actually very good for Trump because Joe Biden captured 78% of the black vote in 2020, while Hillary Clinton garnered 88% in 2016. Therefore, this polling figure is quite damaging for Kamala Harris. Black voters have historically been a cornerstone of the Democratic Party's support, and any erosion in this demographic spells trouble for her campaign.

But, this is not the only demographic Kamala is struggling with. According to a new NBC News/Telemundo/CNBC poll, Harris is also struggling with Hispanic voters.

“Overall, the poll shows that Democratic presidential candidate Harris has lost some ground with Latinos at a time when these consequential voters are more likely than the general electorate to cite the economy and the rising cost of living as top priorities,” reports NBC News. “On both of these issues, Latino voters give Trump the advantage, but a majority of them prefer Harris on temperament, competency and having the necessary mental and physical health to be president.”

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"We see every 4 years, the Latino vote becomes a bigger and bigger share of the overall electorate," observed Steve Kornacki of NBC News. "Well, among Latinos, our poll shows Kamala Harris leading Donald Trump 54 to 40%. Now for some context, this is a little bit better for Democrats than they were doing among Hispanics when Joe Biden was their candidate."

Kornacki noted that the 14-point advantage among Hispanic voters is a significant decline of nearly 20 points compared to just four years ago. This trend indicates that Trump’s appeal to Hispanic voters has persisted, continuing the inroads he made in the last election cycle.

I don't mean to suggest that Trump has this in the bag, but when you look at the demographic shifts, it's easy to see that Kamala Harris has some serious problems that are going to be very difficult for her to overcome.


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