WATCH: Kamala Surrogate Actually Humiliates Kamala During Train Wreck Interview

AP Photo/Paul Sancya

It was really something last week, when Kamala Harris did her livestream with Oprah and she simply couldn’t answer questions. When a young couple struggling with high prices asked her what she would do to lower the cost of living, and Kamala had nothing but a word salad to offer them.


We know Kamala isn’t very bright, but you would think her campaign surrogates might better articulate her plans. Well, you'd be wrong. On Monday, Kamala campaign surrogate Kelly Hyman, an attorney and media commentator, appeared on Fox News with Sandra Smith. The interview turned into a complete disaster as Hyman fumbled, stumbled, and outright dodged a simple question: What is Kamala Harris’s plan to lower prices?

“What is Harris's plan?” Smith asked. After some awkward silence, Smith followed up by saying “We're waiting.”

And just like the candidate she was advocating for, Hyman offered a word salad of vague phrases and unconvincing stammering.

“Yeah. Okay. Excuse if there’s — there's a lot of aspects to it in, in regards to looking at it online.”

Looking at it online? Did she have Kamala’s platform on her computer screen as a cheat sheet? 

“So let's talk about lowering the grocery cost because that's something that's brought, brought up. You the viewers can look at this online. She talks about certain things in regards to advancing the first federal ban on price gouging on food and groceries, to set clear rules to the road to make clear that big corporations can't unfairly exploit consumers as well.”


“Is that happening?” Smith asked. “Is that currently happening? 

“It's not at this moment. No. This is her plan that's laid out for the first 100 days when she becomes president of the United States of America.”

It sounds like she didn’t understand the intent of the question, so Smith clarified: “Price gouging, is that currently happening?” 

This should have been an easy yes-or-no question, but Hyman’s response? A waffling, awkward train wreck. “In regards to the — I don't know exactly if that's currently happening or not because I'm not privity [sic] to that type of information.”

So not only does Harris's surrogate fail to articulate Harris’s supposed plan, but she also admits she has no idea if the problem the plan is designed to address even exists.

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It didn’t take long for Smith to call out the obvious: “It seems like you’re having a hard time articulating her plan.” 

At that moment, Hyman had the perfect opportunity to admit she was out of her depth. Instead, she took the victim route, accusing Smith of disrespecting her "as a woman." 


Leaning on the gender card — especially when talking to another woman — was a weak deflection from the real issue: Kamala Harris has no actual plan to reduce inflation, and "price gouging" is just a lame scapegoat. 


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