Democrat Civil War Watch: Fetterman Warns Kamala About Picking Josh Shapiro

AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

In a rather stunning development in the Kamala Harris veepstakes, Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) is reportedly concerned about Harris selecting his state's governor, Josh Shapiro, as her running mate. According to Politico, three individuals familiar with the discussions have revealed that Fetterman's advisers have privately communicated these concerns to Harris' team.


While many on the left don't like Shapiro because he's Jewish and supports Israel, Fetterman, a strong advocate for Israel, has other reasons for urging Harris not to pick him. "Fetterman’s advisers suggested to Harris’ team that the senator believes that Shapiro is excessively focused on his own personal ambitions," the outlet reports. "His reservations about Shapiro reflect a long-running rivalry between the two ambitious Democrats, who have risen on parallel tracks in a politically crucial state."

For Fetterman’s representatives to reveal his concerns to the party’s new standard-bearer’s team underscores the intense scrutiny being applied to possible running mates — and the high stakes of a decision that has the potential to shape the Democratic Party for years to come. Shapiro has risen to the top of the shortlist of Harris’ possible vice presidential picks. Harris is interviewing several contenders this weekend and is scheduled to hold a rally with her running mate on Tuesday in Philadelphia.

Fetterman’s representatives explained to Harris’ aides that one of the key disagreements the men had was while they served together on Pennsylvania’s Board of Pardons, according to the three people, who were granted anonymity to describe internal conversations.

Fetterman sought to revitalize the institution and provide second chances to some convicts. Shapiro often took a less lenient position, arguing that he believed in criminal justice reform but that the commutations process was not the place for “structural” changes. Fetterman and Shapiro clashed in particular over the fate of Lee and Dennis Horton, brothers who had been convicted in a fatal shooting and robbery in 1993 but maintained their innocence for decades.


Harris is reportedly expected to announce her selection as early as Monday and appear with her running mate at a rally in Philadelphia on Tuesday. Last week, a video shared on social media by Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle L. Parker appeared to suggest that Kamala had, indeed, chosen Josh Shapiro as her running mate, though some suggested it was just a promotion to urge Harris to select him -- or perhaps a trial balloon.

Kamala is reportedly being lobbied by supporters and critics of Shapiro, as well as by backers of other potential candidates. Many Pennsylvania Democrats, including Sen. Bob Casey, have publicly endorsed Shapiro for vice president, while Sen. Fetterman has remained silent.  

During the behind-the-scenes conversations in recent days, Fetterman’s team expressed his “full-on, enthusiastic support for Kamala Harris,” one person familiar with the discussions said. In this person’s description, Fetterman’s advisers offered his “unvarnished assessment” of Shapiro “that is not about policy differences or other public baggage.”

A Fetterman spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment.

It seems unlikely that Fetterman's "personal" concerns about Shapiro are going to sway Kamala Harris. As the story notes, Fetterman and Shapiro have a longstanding rivalry.



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