
The Coup Against Joe Biden Marks a Dangerous New Era in Electoral Politics

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

Without a doubt, Joe Biden wasn't physically or cognitively healthy enough to continue his presidential campaign. I know it. You know it. Democrats knew it for years and did nothing. But that wasn't why they pressured Biden to drop out. It was because polls showed he was headed for defeat, and now, their successful coup has forever changed presidential electoral politics.

I wrote a little over a week ago that if Democrats succeeded in convincing Biden to drop out, "it would signal that the elites of political parties can override the primary process and the will of the voters whenever it suits their strategic interests, effectively disenfranchising those who participated in selecting the original nominee."

That's exactly what happened, and it will most certainly happen again in the future.

While many suggest there are parallels between Biden dropping out and Lyndon B. Johnson withdrawing from the presidential race in 1968, there's no comparison. Democrats are now about to replace their candidate after he’d already secured the necessary delegates to win the party’s nomination, which is unprecedented. This tactic is nothing short of an admission that Donald Trump has already defeated Biden.

Republicans arguably could have done the same thing in the past but didn't. 

At this point in the 2016 race, Hillary Clinton had a lead of almost three points in the RealClearPolitics (RCP) average — roughly equivalent to Donald Trump’s current RCP average lead. Despite deep divisions within the Republican Party over Trump’s candidacy, they didn’t try to remove him as their nominee. He even stayed on after the release of the Access Hollywood tape. 

Four years ago, Trump was getting crushed in the polls. Biden had a nearly nine-point lead in the RCP average. It was looking like a landslide victory. It didn't turn out that way, but the decision to oust Biden was based on his poll numbers. Yet the Republican Party didn't attempt to swap its candidate.

Public trust in democratic institutions is fragile, and actions that appear to circumvent established processes can easily damage that trust. The integrity of our electoral system relies on the predictability and consistency of its procedures. What Democrats have done not only alters the way candidates are selected but also threatens the essence of democratic governance by prioritizing strategic interests over the voices of everyday voters. The Democrats have upended the primary election system, and party bosses, not voters, will decide who runs.

Related: Democrat Civil War Watch: Has the Coup Against Kamala Already Started?

There is no reason to be so naïve as to think that a similar coup won't happen again the next time Democrats are worried about losing an election. There's no reason to believe that it won't happen again in 2024. Polls have shown that Harris performs no better against Trump than Biden did. If that continues, do you really think there won't be another switch?  

If they can stab the sitting president in the back, they can do the same thing to Harris. Don't think for a second that just because she has the support of a majority of delegates she's got this in the bag. Biden legitimately won those delegates in the primaries. 

The unprecedented maneuver to force Biden out and implement a rushed, elite-driven process for selecting a new nominee isn’t just a political shake-up — it’s a potential disaster for the foundation of American democracy. The potential fallout from this could reshape how political power is wielded and how democratic processes are respected. The Biden coup is more than a political maneuver; it’s a fundamental challenge to the principles of democracy.

Remember, Democrats don't care about "our democracy"; they care about winning. When Biden took office, the Democrat-controlled House passed the Freedom to Vote Act, the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, and the For the People Act. These bills aimed to federalize state election laws and, in the process, compromise election integrity nationwide. 

They proposed measures such as universal mail-in voting, accepting ballots up to ten days after an election, automatic voter registration, and allowing felons to vote. Additionally, Democrats sought to abolish the Electoral College. These changes would have made elections less secure, giving Democrats a significant advantage in maintaining power. Rest assured, they will seize the next opportunity to pass these measures. Had these bills passed the Senate, Biden would have signed them into law, enshrining Democrats into power. 

The coup against Biden was just the latest scheme. Only this time, it worked. They'll do it again. Just watch.


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