There's an Intriguing New Theory About Why the Democrats Want Biden Out

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Donald Trump's poll numbers look pretty good against Joe Biden. He leads in the battleground states, and Democrats fear that he's headed for a landslide victory.


Of course, this is no reason to become complacent. According to reports, Biden may be dropping out as soon as this weekend. The Biden campaign denies this, but what else is it supposed to say?

With the possibility of a new Democrat nominee emerging, it's necessary to ask why Democrats are pushing Biden out now. It's not like they haven't known about Biden's cognitive decline for years. Independent journalist Kyle Becker posted an interesting theory about why Democrats are fighting over Biden's candidacy now, and he makes a lot of good points. The theory, which originates from Trevor Goss, posits that Biden's high poll numbers made the 2020 election’s outcome seem believable despite inconsistencies. 

This is a valid point. Biden maintained a consistent lead in the polls throughout the 2020 election. While the election ultimately came down to less than 50,000 votes in a few select battleground states, it certainly made his victory plausible — even in light of the reports of fraud.

The reason why Biden needs to be ousted now is that his current polling numbers are low, and if he wins again through similar means, the disparity between the outcome and what polling data has shown for months would be so stark that it could lead to greater scrutiny and potential legal challenges.


This could expose significant issues with the election process. To avoid this risk, there’s a belief that the Democrats need to replace Biden with a candidate who polls higher, making any potential "steal" more plausible and credible.

Though proper investigations never took place, many questions remain about the fairness of the 2020 elections. Through most of Election Night 2020, Trump appeared on the verge of victory until late-night ballot drops suddenly ate into his lead in various states. Whether it was due to the Democrats' mail-in voting strategy or outright fraud, we may never know. 

However, after the election, anyone who claimed that the election was stolen or suggested there may have been fraud found themselves silenced by Big Tech. The mainstream media, however, treated the Russian collusion hoax as legitimate and allowed it to undermine Donald Trump's first term.

Democrats haven't accepted the results of a presidential election they've lost in 25 years. Many still claim that George W. Bush stole the 2000 election from Al Gore. In 2004, John Kerry’s supporters alleged without evidence that voting irregularities caused him to lose Ohio, and some Democrats challenged the counting of the Electoral College votes. Kerry maintains that Bush stole the election from him, just like Hillary Clinton has been saying for years that Trump stole the 2016 election from her.


Related: What Should We Believe About the Future of Biden’s Candidacy?

It's time to stop dwelling on the past and recognize that Democrats are so desperate for power that they are on the verge of throwing Biden under the bus. Trump needs to win so big in November that any shenanigans the Democrats might pull won't work.


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