Is CBS Suggesting That Biden Will Be Drugged for the Debate With Trump?

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

As we previously reported, Joe Biden is taking a whole week off from being president to prepare for his upcoming debate with Donald Trump. The debate, which will be hosted by CNN, will take place on Thursday—assuming Joe Biden shows up.


So far, nothing, not even Trump's conviction in the sham trial in New York City, has managed to give Biden the boost he needs to be ahead in the race, and the Biden campaign is clearly aware that this is a make-or-break moment for the Biden campaign.

Earlier this week, CBS senior White House correspondent Weijia Jiang raised some eyebrows when she explained to Robert Costa, the chief election and campaign correspondent for CBS News, what she's been hearing from Biden insiders about his debate preparations.

"The White House would argue that President Biden prepares every single day for this debate because he is president and he takes questions all the time," she said right off the bat because she had to start with a White House talking point. "Although, of course, reporters would like him to do so much more often. But this is going to be a robust preparation led by his former chief of staff, Ron Klain, who has also been his right-hand man for much of his career, and we know that his closest advisors will be huddled with him at Camp David to prepare for this debate."

Yada, yada, yada. Now here's what Jiang said that really caught my attention:

They argue when it comes to the economy and building more jobs when it comes to issues of democracy having to do with January 6, and so we should expect some of that. But, I'm also told that we should expect some surprises as well, because this is such a critical performance for President Biden not only on the content, but on his physical performance as well.


Well, that is interesting. We should be surprised by Biden's "physical performance" as well? Why is that? Lately, the Biden campaign has been dogged by a slew of viral videos showing Biden's physical and cognitive deterioration. Why, exactly, are we going to be surprised?

Earlier this year, Democrats were counting on Joe Biden's State of the Union address to reset his campaign, and Democrats spent weeks touting his performance as proof he was physically and mentally fit enough to handle the presidency. But Dr. Carole Lieberman, a forensic psychiatrist based in Beverly Hills, Calif., observed that Biden’s speed and volume during the speech suggested that he was drugged.

“If you look at how Joe Biden usually is — slow and stumbling — compared to how he was during the State of the Union — fiery and angry — these are signs that are typical for someone taking Adderall or any amphetamine,” Lieberman said back in March

Trump has called for drug tests before the debate.

“I just want to debate this guy, but you know – and I’m gonna demand a drug test, too, by the way,”  he said last month at a GOP event in Minnesota. “I am. No, I really am. I don’t want him coming in like the State of the Union. He was high as a kite.” 


The Biden campaign has given no indication that they would agree to a drug test before the debate.

Speaking with PJ Media, Lieberman says it should be obvious during the debate if Biden is drugged.

"Whether or not there's an actual blood or urine test, it should be obvious whether Biden is on some sort of stimulant—such as an amphetamine like Adderall," she said. "In my opinion, as a board-certified psychiatrist, he was on such a drug during the State of the Union address. This was apparent from his glassy fixed stare, his emotional volatility, and the change from the usual bumbling man who walked in the room to the ever more animated man speaking from the podium."

According to Lieberman, the real surprise will be whether Biden shows up at all. 

"Biden has been having an accelerated number of 'gaffes' in recent weeks, such as his performance at West Point, D-Day, Juneteenth, and the L.A. Fundraiser where Obama (since the Easter Bunny wasn't available) had to lead him off the stage," she said. "We're told he's going to surprise us with his 'physical performance,' which could mean ten push-ups or simply his being able to stand through the whole debate."


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