
Hollywood Can’t Save Joe Biden

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Joe Biden was in Italy this week for the G7 summit, and based on reports it didn’t exactly go very well. You’ve seen the clips, I’m sure. They’re embarrassing, and frankly concerning. It’s no wonder that he bailed on the summit early, isn’t it? Except, he didn’t bail on the summit because his handlers realized he was embarrassing our country; he bailed to get to his glitzy Hollywood fundraiser. Biden needs Hollywood celebrities to help him raise money, but Hollywood can’t save him.

It’s true. 

According to reports, Biden raised $28 million from his latest star-studded fundraiser, which is basically on par with the New York City fundraiser in March that included both Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, who essentially co-headlined the event with him, which raised $26 million. Tickets for this latest shindig cost anywhere between $2,500 and $500,000. CNN reported that those who donated $500,000 “fall into the event chair category, which includes four tickets in the front row, a photograph with Biden and Obama, attendance at a special reception with the two presidents and tickets for the after party.”

Campaign officials told CNN the Hollywood fundraiser was the largest Democratic fundraiser in history.

“When you come up with an event like this, a concept like this, you know it’s going to be big. You know it’s going to be exciting. You know it’s going to gather a lot of attention. It’s going to raise a lot of money,”  Rufus Gifford, finance chair of the Biden campaign told CNN. “This one exceeded all of our expectations.”

Did it really? Because I bet it was a disappointment… and a huge one at that.

Let’s put the numbers into perspective: It took two star-studded fundraisers for Biden to raise roughly the same amount of money that Donald Trump did in the first 24 hours after the sham verdict in the New York City trial was delivered. The donations to Trump’s campaign also largely came from small-dollar donors, and about a third came from new donors.

Imagine being Joe Biden, enlisting the star power of Hollywood and not being able to match the power of the grassroots support and enthusiasm behind Donald Trump. The outpouring of donations to the Trump campaign was so massive that the Trump campaign donation page crashed shortly after the verdict was announced.

And it turns out that Biden is gonna need even more help from Hollywood to compete with Donald Trump on the campaign cash front.

According to Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Whately, Trump’s campaign, the RNC, and super PACs, have raised $420 million since the sham conviction in New York.

"All in we're hearing $400 to $420 million that has come in aggregate," Whatley revealed during an episode of the "John Solomon Reports" podcast, which is set to air next week. "It is something honestly that we have never seen before. You know since President Trump became our incumbent nominee back in March, we broke the all time record for fundraising in March between the campaign and the RNC."

Related: Are Democrats Plotting to Oust Biden from the 2024 Ticket?

"The other thing that I'll mention is that we are now seeing the business leaders from across the country who are stepping up to support Donald Trump because they're looking at the economy," Whatley said. "They're looking at the underlying weakness that Joe Biden has brought in and realized it is not good for them or for their companies."

Considering all the money Team Trump is raising, do you really think that they were happy with the $28 million haul from the Los Angeles fundraiser? Yeah, right.


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