You Won’t Believe How Much Money Trump Has Now Raised Since the Verdict

Charly Triballeau/Pool Photo via AP

For months, the Biden campaign has boasted about its financial edge over Trump, but this advantage was mostly illusory. Biden had been raising funds jointly with the Democratic National Committee since launching his campaign. Donald Trump only began joint fundraising with the Republican National Committee in March, after securing the Republican nomination.


Since then, Biden’s been losing the fundraising wars, and that’s a huge problem for him. The Biden campaign was counting on their fundraising advantage to make the difference for them in this campaign. Instead, blinded by their hatred of Trump and their own hubris, they have waged a lawfare strategy against him that has backfired spectacularly, as it has resulted in a historic surge in fundraising.

On Monday, President Trump's campaign, along with the Republican National Committee, revealed they raised a whopping $141 million in May from more than two million donors. Most of this impressive show of support came in direct response to the farcical New York trial and sham verdict. According to the Trump campaign, the average donation was $70.27.

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“In addition to the staggering amount, 25% of May's donors were brand new to the 2024 campaign, making the month the best ever recorded for any Campaign in History,” the campaign said in a statement received by PJ Media. " Additionally, organizations supporting President Trump raised another $150 million in May. Taken together, the Campaign, and other Trump supporting organizations, raised almost $300 million during the month of May alone, ALSO A RECORD!"


“We are moved by the outpouring of support for President Donald J. Trump. The American people saw right through Crooked Joe Biden’s rigged trial, and sent Biden and Democrats a powerful message – the REAL verdict will come on November 5th,” Trump Campaign senior advisers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles said in a statement. “President Trump raised $141 million in small donations alone this month because Americans remember the Roaring Economy, Secure Border, and Peace through Strength at home and abroad under President Donald J. Trump, and want us to return to prosperity and success when he is re-elected in November.” 

The campaign raised $53 million online in the first 24 hours after the verdict—more than $2 million an hour.

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“The American people saw the Biden Trials for what they are, a Political Hoax and Election-Interfering attempt to keep President Trump away from voters and confined to a freezing courtroom, THE ICEBOX. Based on these record contribution numbers, and Polling, it didn’t work because voters understand the clear contrast between Donald J. Trump’s record of success, and Joe Biden’s failures,” RNC Chairman Michael Whatley and Co-Chairman Lara Trump said in a statement. “Unfortunately for Democrats, their rigged political operation has backfired in a historic way, and Republicans are in a stronger position than ever to FIRE Crooked Joe Biden and Make America Great Again by electing President Trump on November 5.”



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