
How the Left Has Destroyed Faith in Our Institutions and, Possibly, the Country

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

What is happening to America? I’ll tell you: Democrats are systematically destroying it. In the past four years alone, we’ve witnessed the rampant politicization and weaponization of the government, which has eroded trust in our institutions. This has shattered Americans’ faith in our nation as a beacon of freedom for the world.

It’s terrifying to witness.

Democrats often claim to be the protectors of “our democracy,” but we know that’s not true. Any time the Democrats are in power, they do everything they can to hold onto it, even at the expense of American ideals and the Constitution.

Think about it. When Joe Biden took office, and Democrats had both the House and Senate, they attempted to make controversial changes in election laws, including making Election Day a national holiday, implementing universal mail-in voting—despite the documented risks of fraud and mismanagement—and all kinds of other changes designed to help them win elections. They failed, but they will continue to try. Meanwhile, they oppose any election integrity legislation intended to make our elections more secure. Their opposition to voter ID laws, which are common-sense measures to prevent fraud supported by a large majority of Americans, further underscores this point. Instead of strengthening our electoral system, Democrats seem intent on creating avenues for potential abuse and chaos.

Democrats are more interested in securing their political power than ensuring free and fair elections, and they don’t even try to hide it.

If there was anything good that came out of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was that it exposed the corruption in our health institutions. From the outset, Democrats and their allies in the media and health bureaucracy have pushed conflicting narratives and draconian policies. They advocated for lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine mandates at the expense of individual freedom. The politicization of COVID treatments, such as the defamation of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin; the flip-flopping on natural immunity; and the villainization of anyone who didn’t want to get vaccinated proved that our health institutions cared more about Big Pharma getting their payday than the health, safety, and liberty of the American people. These institutions were not operating solely on scientific evidence but were influenced by political agendas.

Related: Our Country Will Never Be the Same After the Shameful Trump Verdict

And now, thanks to the Biden administration, we’ve seen the politicization and weaponization of the justice system. Upon taking office, Joe Biden openly discussed and pursued a plan to pack the Supreme Court. While that effort failed, he nevertheless sicced his attorney general on all of his political enemies, from innocent Trump supporters who peacefully protested at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, to pro-life activists being prosecuted for exercising their First Amendment rights, to concerned parents at school board meetings who are treated as domestic terrorists just because they oppose pornography being available in schools. 

“In the end, they’re not coming after me. They’re coming after you — and I’m just standing in their way,” Trump said Thursday. He’s right.

America is falling apart under Joe Biden. Because of him and the Democratic Party, we can’t trust our elections to be fair, our health institutions not to want to control us, or the justice system to be objective. It’s a dangerous time for our country, and it is on us to ensure that we don’t become an authoritarian state.

The undeniable fact we can glean from recent events is that we’re always one election away from tyranny. We shouldn’t take America and American ideals for granted because if we do they'll be gone as fast as you can say "Joe Biden reelected."


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