
Should Donald Trump Pick a Minority as His Running Mate?

AP Photo/Chris Carlson

The Trump 2024 veepstakes is hotter than ever, and according to recent reports, a new name has emerged on Donald Trump's shortlist: Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.). While he'd likely be a decent pick, Trump's former campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, has long been advocating that Trump pick a woman or a minority as his running mate. Earlier this year, she said that Donald Trump would see a surge in support for former President Donald Trump among Hispanic voters come November. She emphasized the importance of Trump selecting a minority as his running mate.

“Look, every way you look at it, Hispanics have so many reasons to dump Biden/Harris," Conway said. "The main one is the border. How cynical of an entire Democratic Party to believe that in the nine years since Donald Trump elevated into international consciousness his view on illegal immigration. Build the wall. Be fair to the people here, America first.” 

Related: How Bad is Joe Biden? This Bad.

Conway continued, “Nine years later, the Democrats still think that attacking Donald Trump on the border is going to get them the Hispanic vote. Hispanics are also upset that they are hostile to religion, that they masked up their kids and kept them home for the better part of two school years. The economic upward mobility that is being lost to them. So I think that Donald Trump’s going to have monster gains among Hispanics, and I think it’s part of why he should pick a person of color as his VP."

It should come as no surprise that Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) is looking to Conway to help his bid to be Trump's running mate. According to a recent report from The Daily Beast, Scott has "leaned increasingly on Conway as the VP shortlist has winnowed," and that  "according to three sources familiar with the situation, Conway is game."

It's not only a smart strategy on Scott's part, it's likely a great strategy for Trump too. As we've reported here at PJ Media, Trump has seen tremendous gain among black voters in 2024, and Tim Scott has been a valuable surrogate and has an inspiring story.

And the liberal media is certainly panicking about the possibility.

A few short weeks ago, Sonny Hostin of the "The View" dismissed the idea that if Trump picked Scott as his running mate it would help Trump win more of the black vote.

“Just to speak for African-American voters, if anyone thinks that Tim Scott is going to bring over a bunch of black men, they really need to just get with it, because Tim Scott is the only African American senator in the Republican Party for a reason,” Hostin said.

Of course, she didn't mention that the Democrats only have three black U.S. senators, one of whom was appointed by Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) to serve out Dianne Feinstein's term, is about to be replaced by a white male after November.

The liberal media has often mocked and attacked Sen. Scott because he's a black Republican like they mock pretty much every black Republican. But, those attacks are made out of fear. I'm sure Hostin and others in the liberal media are aware of the multiple polls showing that black voters are shifting their support from Biden to Trump, and the presence of Scott, or another minority running mate, would likely help. 

Of course, unlike Democrats, who make decisions based on race and gender, Trump is likely considering everything potential running mates bring to the table. Scott may not be the perfect running mate, and I don't doubt there are conservatives who might pick apart his record and find something to complain about — but that's the case with anyone.

That said, we've reported on the apparent racial realignment that appears to be happening right now in America, and a black or Hispanic running mate may help minority voters see the Republican Party in a different way the liberal racists in the media have portrayed it.


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